Are Payments Getting Safer or Faster?
Live from Philadelphia, PA, at AFP 2022, Strategic Treasurer is proud to present our Fintech Hotseat panel discussion on the Future of Treasury Payments. This session put experts from leading payment companies into the hotseat with questions such as the following:
What is the power of a network like SWIFT?
Regarding payments: what is more important, information or cost?
When will banks universally adopt APIs?
Craig Jeffery of Strategic Treasurer, LLC
Ankush Gupta of Mastercard
Bob Stark of Kyriba
Mark O’Toole of Fides
Michelle St. Rose of Corpay
The Future Looks Bright for Treasury Technology
Live from Philadelphia, PA, at AFP 2022, Strategic Treasurer is proud to present our Fintech Hotseat panel discussion on the Future of Treasury Technology. This session put experts from leading technology firms and banks into the hotseat with questions such as the following:
What new technologies do you see becoming a huge trigger for change in the next few years? Is private equity taking firms private part of an ongoing, increasing trend? Which will dominate in the following year: new growth, or consolidation? They also share perspectives and ideas on how treasury can make the most of these changes.
Paul Galloway of Strategic Treasurer, LLC
Rodney Nilson of Bottomline Technologies
Mitchell Thomas of FinLync
Todd Yoder of Fluor Corporation
Craig Jeffery of Strategic Treasurer, LLC
2016 & 2017 HotSeat Videos available below
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