Financial Services Institutions

We know corporate treasury. You know financial services. We partner with you to help you serve and support your corporate clients.
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Service Offerings

Pricing Analysis

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Strategic Treasurer works with banks to determine the pricing models they should offer to their corporate clients. Banks want to offer competitive pricing to their clients while still maintaining a healthy margin so they can continue to develop and provide leading solutions. Understanding corporate expectations can bring bank pricing ranges in line with competitive flow.

Banks invest heavily in product development, security and controls, and relationship management in order to provide the best experiences for their customers. In a budget focused market, however, competitive pricing remains a key corporate driver in bank selection, so banks must maintain vigilance around their pricing models to keep their edge.

Bank Staff Training

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You hire great people who are great at sales. Most, however, have gaps in their knowledge about cash management and treasury, restricting their success. Our training courses are designed to be effective, engaging, and targeted. Your staff will understand and apply their training, and you’ll see the results in their client interactions.

Are your sales and relationship management staff the most trusted advisors of your top clients? You’d love to know that when your clients reach an impasse or need help, the first call is to your team, every time. How can you hope to reach that level of trust with a client when most of your team is only focused on the bank’s products and solutions?

Your sales officers must hire representatives who need a thorough understanding of what really drives your corporate and commercial treasury clients. Your key clients and prospects are very busy. Your bank probably extends them credit, so your sales team can usually get an audience out of their sense of obligation. This only provides a very limited window, and making that time count is top priority—moving the meeting from ‘obligation’ to engagement. Through excellent and unique training, you can empower your sales team with techniques to learn your treasury clients’ goals and identify what stands in their way. They will present meaningful solutions to clients, or at least have an educated conversation—the first step down a path to a solution and a deeper relationship.

A meaningful sales process will move you from the banker who pops in every few months to a trusted advisor. Strategic Treasurer’s senior consultants provide a unique, two-track training system to help you develop this process. As former practitioners, bankers, and consultants, they offer unique insights that only a 360º perspective can afford. How are you going to reach your aggressive new goals each year?


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Sometimes your team makes a sale, but it seems like the implementation never starts, and therefore the expected revenue never materializes. Strategic Treasurer can work on your client’s behalf to get a stagnant process moving.

Your client onboarding group is ready to help and does help in any and every way they can. However, the client has other obligations, numerous activities, and ample distractions. Dates keep slipping and goals are not met although reasons are given. Too much time is spent chasing, chasing, and chasing…

In other instances, the implementation process may begin, but the services are under-implemented, left at only 50–75% of the expected level. The client declares a project to be complete when it is only partially implemented. The client is exhausted and has three other fires and two other projects that need work as well. This delays the project and lowers their satisfaction level.

As a result of all these delays, your team experiences loss across many spectrums—less revenue than was expected comes in; revenue is also lost as dates continue to slip and resources are required to pour more of their time into the project. All this adds up to an overall loss of profit for the bank.

Our team of experienced onboarders and implementers can help. We can meet with your client and help to establish a reasonable plan, distributing the work that needs to be accomplished on the client side between their team and ours. Oftentimes, with a little bit of background information, our team can complete many tasks and get things moving rapidly. You’ll quickly find your time to revenue decreased when partnering with our team.

Partnership Opportunities


Strategic Treasurer hosts multiple webinar presentations annually, each addressing key areas of compliance, finance, or treasury. Webinars provide attendees with up-to-date, accurate information on the addressed topic, as well as key findings from surveys, analyst reports, and projects. Typically, webinars are co-hosted by solutions providers, who are able to provide additional insight and content from an alternate viewpoint. Webinars also provide the opportunity for attendees to earn free CTP credits.



Strategic Treasurer provides quality primary market research through our annual surveys. These surveys are distributed for participation to our active contacts—all treasury and finance professionals. The results are calibrated and released in our survey results reports and webinars. This research provides a solid foundation from which we can advise. Practitioners are able to see how their firms align in comparison to others, which can be helpful in determining if your organization is on track, ahead of the curve, or lagging in a particular area.


Strategic Treasurer releases one or more podcast episodes every week covering hot treasury topics, the latest data, fraud and security, and much more. These episodes provide our audience with insights and news from treasury and finance industry leaders in the car, at the gym, or wherever they decide to tune in! Many episodes have CTP credits available after a short quiz is taken and passed. Our podcast is listened to in over 130 countries and counting.

Analyst Report

Treasury Update

Turn-Key Webinars
Treasury Industry
Latest Surveys
Treasury Update

Webinars + CTP Credits

Highly valuable insights into the hottest topics in treasury.

Podcast + CTP Credits

Listen to industry leaders discuss the latest topics in treasury.

Webinar: 5 Steps to Modernize Your AR Processes | July 24

Webinar: 5 Steps to Modernize Your AR Processes | July 24

Join us to explore five steps for transforming and optimizing your accounts receivable (AR) processes. This session is designed to support companies at any stage of AR transformation, offering practical guidance on transitioning to automated and streamlined centers of excellence. The webinar will discuss five different steps that can help your team improve efficiency and visibility across your AR processes. Topics will include the following:
• Implementing end-to-end automation
• Employing a “single pane of glass” approach to visibility
• Streamlining virtual card processing
• Leveraging data for transaction processing
• Strengthening security and reducing risk to your customers

Webinar: Confronting Emerging Payment Threats | June 27

Webinar: Confronting Emerging Payment Threats | June 27

Protecting the payment process is more critical than ever. Criminals are deploying new and emerging payment threats, and these threats must be confronted. During this 50-minute presentation, we will cover essential strategies and technologies that can be implemented to safeguard your payment processes. We will explore the evolving landscape with digital payments, highlighting the latest trends and potential threats. Finally, we’ll examine the importance of training and maintaining your treasury team’s awareness of the vital role they play in supporting a secure payment environment.

Webinar: Treasury & Receivables: Value of a Comprehensive View | June 4

Webinar: Treasury & Receivables: Value of a Comprehensive View | June 4

Acting in silos often comes easily to treasury, AR, and other areas, but the silo mindset is restrictive and limited. A comprehensive view, one that looks at the full process and all participants, offers far greater value for the organization and its partners. This view not only includes an end-to-end look within the company, but also includes external counterparties. “Optimizing part of the process suboptimizes the whole,” as the famous quote says, and optimizing the entire process requires an end-to-end to end-to-end look. This session explores how to:
• Improve overall treasury performance (liquidity, visibility, scalability)
• Strengthen AR (automation, reporting, defect reduction)
• Identify the parties that need to be part of the decision discussions
• Use third parties to secure trusted advice and understand leading practices

2024 Generative AI in Treasury and Finance

2024 Generative AI in Treasury and Finance

Survey Results Generative AI in Treasury and Finance Artificial intelligence (AI) has become one of the hottest topics for discussion of late. The growth of ChatGPT and Gemini has increased treasury professionals' level of familiarity and has spurred additional...

Webinar: Instant Payments: Leveraging Speed, Data, and Security | May 23

Webinar: Instant Payments: Leveraging Speed, Data, and Security | May 23

Immediate payments have been emerging across the nation over the past ten years. Speed certainly matters in certain use cases, while richer information is important in most use cases, and improved security is top of mind. This webinar will review some of the key drivers for the use of “instant” payments. Why are companies already using these payment rails, and what is being contemplated and planned? What are the use cases? How are instant payments improving and innovating the treasury functions and funds flow? What are some of the key differences, and how can payment/treasury professionals best plan to take advantage of better payments?

2023 Treasury Perspectives