Technology Solutions Providers

Partner with us as we engage and inform practicing treasury professionals through widely distributed publications, highly engaged webinars, and other quality resources.
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Informed Marketing.

We continually survey the market of technology vendors and financial service providers, allowing us to expertly narrow the list of qualified candidates for each client’s specific needs.

A Partner You Can Trust.

At Strategic Treasurer, we have the most relevant and current information by meeting with bankers and technology providers 50-75 times per year independent from client projects.

Current Marketing Partnership Opportunities

Strategic Treasurer conducts research and assessment of the treasury market through numerous surveys of corporate practitioners and bankers, along with in depth analysis of corporations currently undergoing updates and enhancements to their technology stack. Through those efforts, we have discovered both a significant need from treasury professionals and a significant opportunity for leading solution providers.

Market Solution Need

Large & Growing

Market Intent-to-Buy

Serious & Strong

Market Awareness

Shockingly Low

Marketing Opportunities

Vital & Limited


Add your unique insight to educate the treasury field.


Update the market on your treasury technology solutions.

Marketing Opportunities

Analyst Reports

Our annually produced Analyst Report Series provides a full picture of the leading technology providers in the treasury market. These reports fill gaps in the technology analyst space by independently assessing relevant technology solutions and providing an enriched, in-depth look at both product and company-level qualifications. Corporate practitioners benefit by seeing a full range of quality vendors as they look for the right project fit. Learn more here.

Webinar Packages

Strategic Treasurer hosts multiple webinar presentations annually, each addressing areas of compliance, finance, or treasury. Webinars provide attendees with accurate, up-to-date information on key topics as well as findings from surveys and analyst reports. They are typically co-hosted by technology providers who are able to provide additional insight from their unique viewpoints. All provide the opportunity to earn free CTP and FP&A credits for attendees. They are an opportunity to interact with a highly qualified, professional, and engaged audience on a topic of your choice with 300+ average participation. See past examples here.

Treasury Update Podcast

The Treasury Update Podcast is a treasury professional’s source for insights and news in the car, at the gym, or wherever they decide to tune in! Host Craig Jeffery interviews industry leaders on hot topics, the latest data, fraud and security, and much more. Many episodes have CTP credits available after a short quiz is taken and passed. Our podcast is listened to in over 130 countries and are released at least once a week. Listen to past episodes here.

Industry Surveys

We provide primary market research through several annual, treasury-related surveys. The results are calibrated meticulously and released in our survey results reports and webinars. Upon request, specific data sets are available for market analysis efforts. Practitioners are able to see how their firm aligns in comparison to others, which helps them determine if their organization is on track, ahead of the curve, or lagging in a particular area. Take a look at past and present surveys here.

Treasury Update

The Treasury Update, our digital industry newsletter, is a resource for treasury professionals. Building off our previous bi-annual hard copy, this exists to help raise awareness of key treasury items, issues, and events, as well as to highlight leading practices and advanced strategies that enable treasury professionals and their organizations to be more effective, efficient, and resilient in the face of an ever changing, fraud-filled, and often turbulent financial environment. See old copies and sign-up here.

Analyst Report

Treasury Update

Treasury Industry
Latest Surveys
Treasury Update

Webinars + CTP Credits

Highly valuable insights into the hottest topics in treasury.

Podcast + CTP Credits

Listen to industry leaders discuss the latest topics in treasury.

Webinar: Receivables Modernization: Enhancing Cash with Innovation | August 28

Webinar: Receivables Modernization: Enhancing Cash with Innovation | August 28

Receivables modernization represents a strategic opportunity for businesses to improve their cash flow and working capital management. By leveraging modern technology, corporations can see more effective and convenient ways to collect payments. Faster, automated, and integrated collections streamline the process, significantly enhancing efficiency. In this webinar, Strategic Treasurer’s Managing Partner, Craig Jeffery, and Deluxe’s Payment Division President, John Rubinetti III, will uncover the potential for automation opportunities, the best approach for companies modernizing their receivables, and the benefits of true vendor partnership.

Webinar: Payment Hub Expansion | August 27

Webinar: Payment Hub Expansion | August 27

The growth in new payment rails, formats, and controls is increasing the complexity companies face. Managing the processes around more secure and “aware” payments is challenging enough with a single payment system. Many organizations are now dealing with numerous payment origination systems, all of which require continual updates. This session will offer practical guidance, tools, and considerations for companies facing payments complexity, focusing on the following points:
• Growth of payment complexity
• Challenges of keeping current
• Principles for managing payment complexity
• Payment hub foundations (payment hub, payment factory)
• Decision points in selecting payment solutions

Analyzing the Criminal Mind

Analyzing the Criminal Mind

Analyzing the Criminal MindKnow your enemy. Criminals use a playbook of their own most successful strategies and processes to attack organizations. In order to effectively defend against those attacks, corporations must understand what is inside that playbook. This...

Webinar: Three Essential Tools for Understanding Cash Management Pricing | August 6

Webinar: Three Essential Tools for Understanding Cash Management Pricing | August 6

The questions about bank fees come easy: Are we paying the right amount for our banking services? Are we being overcharged? How can we know when nothing is directly comparable and there is a lack of transparency? The answers, however, are far more difficult to find.
Understanding the “right amount” of bank fees requires understanding what others are paying and how these amounts are changing over time. Data forms the basis for this, but data must be presented clearly and understood to be useful. In this webinar, we will review select statistical and charting tools you can use to help your company better understand bank prices.
• Percentiles. Learn how percentile charts provide a basis for understanding what others are paying and where you stand. This creates easy visibility into what your expectations should be.
• Box and Whisker. This provides direct visibility into the band of pricing that exists in the market.
• Regression. Strategic Treasurer’s use of regression allows you to see the trend over time of the average price paid in the industry. Understanding the direction and influences can help you plan and better negotiate agreement terms.
To understand what is happening in the market and to negotiate favorable rates, you must have solid, up-to-date points of reference. This webinar will rely on the Feenix Guide to Bank Pricing to support various statistical and charting tools when reviewing your bank fees.

#314 – Why Isn’t There a Common Treasury Career Path? (Austin Industries)

#314 – Why Isn’t There a Common Treasury Career Path? (Austin Industries)

In today’s podcast, Karyn Brown from Austin Industries joins us to share her thoughts on why there isn’t a standard career path for treasurers. Craig Jeffery and Karyn also discuss the varied paths to becoming a treasurer, the implications of this diversity, and the current hiring environment. Listen in to learn more.