Coffee Break Sessions - Treasury Update Podcast

Session 120

What Is RAROC?

In this episode, Craig Jeffery explains RAROC — what it stands for, how it’s calculated, and why it’s important for banks and financial institutions. Listen in to learn more. 


Jonathan Jeffery, Strategic Treasurer

Jason Campbell
Strategic Treasurer


Craig Jeffery, Strategic Treasurer

Craig - Headshot
Strategic Treasurer
Guide to Excellence in Treasury eBook

Guide to Excellence in Treasury eBook
Whether you’re aiming to become a treasurer, have just landed the job, or have held the position for years but are still seeking ways to improve and grow, this guidebook should have some ideas that will help you and your organization thrive.

Coffee Break Session 119

Episode 119: What Are Surety Bonds?
In today’s episode, we’ll hear from Jack Rosenberg of Rosenberg & Parker on surety bonds. What are they, and are they like insurance? Who are the involved parties, and what are the most common use cases? Tune in to find out.