2017 Global Treasury Fraud & Controls Survey
Is your company at risk? Explore the latest research: fraud is rising, crime still pays, and firms must act.

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We respect your privacy and will always keep your personal information safe. We ask for your information in exchange for a valuable resource in order to (a) learn more about the effectiveness of the resources that we put out; (b) fulfill our mission to elevate and enhance the practice of treasury through advising individual clients and informing the industry at large; (c) send you information and marketing communication that we think may be of value to you. You can read more about our privacy policy here.
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Yes! Absolutely. We believe that all ships rise and fall with the tide and the more useful information that is shared, understood, and implemented, the better off the entire industry will be. Keep us in mind the next time you have any questions related to treasury and risk security and management. We’re here to help!
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Since 2004, Strategic Treasurer has helped hundreds of corporate clients face real world treasury issues. Our team of senior consultants is comprised of former practitioners with actual corporate treasury experience who have “hopped the desk” to support their former peers from the consulting side. Strategic Treasurer consultants are known not only for their expertise in the treasury space, but also for their responsiveness to client issues, thorough follow-through on each project, and general likability as temporary team members of your staff.
Our focus as a firm centers on maintaining true expertise in the treasury space. Through constantly refreshing our knowledge and intentionally learning about leading solutions, we ensure that our understanding is both global in scope and rich in detail.
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