Episode 31
A Digital Strategy for Treasury
On this episode of the podcast, Craig Jeffery sits down with Royston Da Costa, Assistant Group Treasurer at Ferguson PLC, to discuss the background of digital challenges facing treasury today. They provide valuable insights on how treasurers can harness potential technology to capture the data within their companies and groups to evaluate the forecast they desire more effectively. Listen in as they advise on a digital strategy for treasury.
Craig Jeffery, Strategic Treasurer

Royston Da Costa, Ferguson PLC

Related Resources
Does Your Treasury Technology Fit?
2018 FinTech HotSeat
As the role of Treasury has grown, the need for organizations to make sure their treasury technology is aligned with their needs is more critical than ever before. However, it’s a task that’s far easier said than done. Join Strategic Treasurer’s Managing Partner Craig Jeffery along with Bottomline Technologies’ Senior Solutions Engineer Jamie Florio as they discuss why one size doesn’t fit all, and some of the key factors that should be considered when architecting and investing in a solution.
38 – The Impact of Fraud on Treasury Practices
On this episode of the podcast, Craig Jeffery sits down with Royston Da Costa, Assistant Group Treasurer at Ferguson PLC to discuss the topic of the impact of fraud on treasury practices. This insightful interview covers the biggest challenges on cyber fraud today, treasury’s responsibility to protect, and the leading practices to safeguard corporates and banks from an array of vital threats. Listen in on the discussion.