Strategic Treasurer's bank connectivity team is Swift certified and ready to assist you with your project. What Can We Do?Need Help?There are many different aspects to bank onboarding...
Hundreds of Signatures
Negotiating Fees
Piles of Paperwork
Countless Status Calls
Hours of Work
Updated Signers
Each of these causes a different set of headaches and can make your implementation take longer.
Strategic Treasurer’s Connectivity Team will make this painful process all but disappear. With our organized and proven approach and staff, you’ll be able to focus on the high-level activities and decisions which require your attention every day. We’ll keep your department current and prepared for tomorrow.
How Can We Help?
Quick Results
Our dedicated team is available to push projects toward tight deadlines, through the time-tested process of effective, efficient protocols that have been applied to many technologies with numerous corporates to numerous banks around the world.
Experienced Analysts
STConnect™ is supported by a dedicated team of streamlining experts who are nimble enough to scale resources at critical times. They have onboarded hundreds of banks around the world and are available to answer your every question.
Weekly Progress Updates
With over a decade dedicated to honing this process, frequent pitfalls in the connectivity process and been identified, and our proprietary workflow checklists are a standard for excellence in ensuring rapid delivery without error.
"We'd rather handle the connectivity process in-house."
"We don't have the budget to hire an external group."
Our pricing for the onboarding process is very competitive, and the clients generally find overall savings within a year of the project’s initiation.
"We work closely with our bank relationship managers and won't have any trouble."
Upon submission, your information will be passed to one of our team members to follow up with you. If you encounter any issues or have an urgent request, please don’t hesitate to reach out to
Achieve 100% Global Visibility with STConnect Services
Outsource the headache of setting up a new system and see massive results! For more information, fill out the form below and one of our dedicated team members will reach out to you.