Fraud is on the rise, growing in frequency and complexity, with risks larger than ever and criminal tactics continually changing.

Are You Really Secure?

The Case for Corporate Financial Security Training

Date:     Friday, May 17, 2019

Time:     12:00PM – 12:30PM EST

Where:  This is an online event.


Fraud is on the rise, growing in frequency and complexity, with risks larger than ever and criminal tactics continually changing. It’s a significant concern for CFO’s and corporate leadership; if you’re not under attack, you’re likely under surveillance. As treasury professionals, we need to proactively guard our organizations against these risks, with employee education and training focused on what to look for to avoid losses from corporate payment attacks.

Join our upcoming webinar to learn how Strategic Treasurer’s cloud-based Secure Training courses are specifically designed to train your treasury and payments staff on leading fraud prevention practices, vulnerability management and increased security controls, to protect your organization from costly corporate payment attacks!

During this 30-minute event we’ll discuss:

  • Secure Treasury Training Overview
  • Courses and Materials Offered
  • What Our Clients are Saying

If you encounter any issues during the webinar, please contact our team.

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