TMS Selection: Leading Practices
What's Inside?
» Critical Business Requirements
» Understanding the Technology
» Partnering with a Company
» Building the Case
» Selection Process
» Preparing for Implementation
» Looking Ahead
» About the Firms
Since modern TMS typically last for well over a decade and affect the efficiency and effectiveness of treasury operations on a daily basis, the stakes in selecting the right solution and vendor are high. This eBook, the third in the TMS Toolkit series, covers the key principles necessary for a selection that will result in lasting success and walks the reader through each step of the selection process. Topics include finding a vendor who can partner with your firm long-term, product road maps, critical business requirements, and getting the most out of RFI, RFP and demonstration experiences.
Request a copy today for this third installment of the TMS Toolkit Series.
TMS Toolkit Series
by GTreasury and Strategic Treasurer
Your organization is past due for a treasury management system overhaul, but one question remains:
Are you prepared to take on a technology remodel that affects company operations and global commerce every day?
Before tackling this critical business renovation, be sure the tools you need are at your fingertips.
Please fill out the form below to request your copy of the eBook.