Treasurers Share What Is Working (What Isn’t) and What Has Changed

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Advise - Major Projects
Assist - Outsourced Services
Research - Market Data
Inform - Industry Insights

As our world descended into the COVID pandemic and everyone moved to a work from home posture, a panel of treasurers met to share what was working and what wasn’t. Sharing what was learned from the early days was highly instructive and beneficial to the treasury audience.

Now, as we move closer to the exit stage with COVID, more has been learned and additional discussion is needed. Some of the original panelists return to update what we have learned, what has changed, and offer thoughts and insights about where things are heading. Listen to this focused session to help your company take advantage of these insights in a world of change.


This webinar will be an update on a panel discussion podcast that occurred earlier in the pandemic.  Listen to that previous podcast discussion by registering here.

1.2 CTP and FP&A  re-certification credits will be given for attendance to this live webinar.


Thursday, February 17, 2022


2:00 PM – 3:00 PM EST


This is an online event


Craig Jeffery, Strategic Treasurer


Scott Travis, CUNA Mutual Group

Tony Krabill, Greif

Catherine Portman, Palo Alto Networks

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Hosted By

Strategic Treasurer Logo

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