Flash Survey Shows Companies Already Feeling Impact from Russia-Ukraine Conflict
More impact anticipated, with most expecting supply chain issues.
[Atlanta, GA] March 10, 2022 — This week, Strategic Treasurer released the results of a flash survey on the treasury-related impacts of Russia’s brutal attacks on Ukraine. The survey ran the first three days of March, collecting initial perspectives from treasury professionals just over a week after Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24th.
This survey’s questions probed treasury and finance on both current and anticipated impacts, as well as the corporate response. Two out of five respondents reported that their companies had been impacted by the conflict at that time, with 17% having already experienced an increase in cyber threats in just the few days since the invasion began.
Nearly three-quarters also expect some level of impact in the future, especially for trade and supply chains. Most are taking some kind of action in preparation, with additional monitoring and information gathering the most common response reported, closely followed by identification of risks and exposures and meetings specifically to discuss the conflict’s impact.
The flash survey ran from March 1-3, 2022, with 7 questions and approximately 100 respondents. The full results from this survey are available via a downloadable infographic at strategictreasurer.com/conflict. Watch Craig Jeffery, Managing Partner of Strategic Treasurer, and Pushpendra Mehta, Executive Writer for CTMfile, discuss the results on YouTube.
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