Join Deluxe Corporation’s Dave Robertson and Beth Bourgoin and Strategic Treasurer’s Craig Jeffery for a webinar on how AI and other innovative new technologies are helping forward-thinking corporations regain control of their AR processes and more.

Becoming “Undisruptable”: Innovative Technologies to Regain Control of Accounts Receivable Processing

Date:     Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Time:     2:00 PM-3:00 PM EST

Where:  This is an online event.


Receiving accurate, timely payments is getting harder for today’s businesses, as payment volumes accelerate while an expanding list of emerging payment channels disrupt AR processing. In addition, of the ACH payments AR teams collect, 61% arrive without remittance details.

Hunting for these details results in errors and delays in cash application, creating a ripple impact through the CCC. This creates a lack of visibility and negatively impacts cash forecasting. It is increasingly clear that 1) today’s manual AR processes are not sustainable and 2) treasurers and AR professionals need to work together to adopt new approaches that will free their cash flow and improve operational efficiency.

Join Deluxe Corporation’s Managing Director Dave Robertson and Accredited ACH Professional Beth Bourgoin and Strategic Treasurer’s Craig Jeffery for a webinar that will discuss how Artificial Intelligence and other innovative new technologies are helping forward-thinking corporations regain control of their AR processes and protect their day-to-day operations by making them “undisruptable.”

1.2 CTP re-certification credits will be given for attendance to this live webinar.

Download the webinar deck here:

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