Episode 9
Stand Up Straight: A Proper Posture on Cyber Security
Discrete actions to protect the organization against cyber security threats are necessary. In order to be most effective an organization must take an appropriate posture that is directed to their entire operation. The entire operation includes the perimeter, interior and off-premises data and system. The IoT (internet of things) can’t be ignored as it sits within this domain.
Craig Jeffery, Strategic Treasurer’s Managing Partner, continues the conversation with Craig Calle a former banker and CFO now founder of the security firm SourceCalle. This session builds upon their first podcast called: Understanding the 2nd chapter of the cloud.
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7 – Understanding the 2nd Chapter of the Cloud
The movement of functionality and services to the cloud has been underway for over a decade. It began with sales management and has extended to every area of the corporate world. This has created an opportunity for better services to become available to more companies. At the same time the challenges that are raised need to be addressed. These include issues of data protection in all domains and understanding security must extend beyond the internal data center. Craig Jeffery, the managing partner of Strategic Treasurer discusses these topics with Craig Callé, founder of the security firm SourceCallé and a former CFO of Amazon Digital Services and other companies.