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Access to webinars, replays, and podcasts with CTP credits

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Welcome to the Treasury Ambassadors Program!

The Treasury Ambassadors program is designed to enhance the overall experience for respondents that complete Strategic Treasurer’s industry surveys. This is accomplished by offering extended survey results, prizes, and other opportunities to those who join. A participant in the program is expected to complete at least 5 of the surveys offered by Strategic Treasurer every year, but may take as many as are offered. Surveys will be emailed directly to you and may be taken through either an online portal or mobile application. Surveys can range anywhere from 10-50 questions.

Strategic Treasurer will keep track of the number of surveys that you complete annually and will deliver regular emails to update you on your position within the program and as a channel for you to provide us with feedback. We will also email you with full results reports, send out invites to results webinars, presentations, and networking events, and deliver gift cards.

Not a Treasury Ambassador but would like to join? Fill out the form below.

Webinar Replays with available CTP and FP&A Credits

This exclusive Treasury Ambassador benefit provides CTP and FP&A credits for webinar replays. Watch the replay and then click the accompanying link to take the 10-question quiz. With a passing score of 80% or greater, you will recieve an email with the credits attached.

SCF Innovation: Using AI to Optimize Liquidity - Webinar Replay (CTP and FP&A)

Date: 7/17/2018

Cash and liquidity management has long been a top priority for treasury. Expectations have expanded to include visibility past their own cash positions and funding strategies to cash flows of their suppliers. This expanded view traditionally requires extensive manual effort by treasury. By leveraging the power of AI to analyze vast quantities of 3rd party and supplier data, treasury teams are able to determine which suppliers will take early payment, as well as the optimal time and rates to use. AI can also determine the proper mix of self-funding and third-party cash to employ resulting in better decisions yielding smarter lower risk investments and increasing yield or deploying third-party cash to improve working capital usage.

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Liquidity Risk Survey Results - Webinar Replay (CTP and FP&A)

Date: 7/12/2018

This survey results webinar covers a wide range of topics and trends on liquidity risk mitigation practices. As one of our oldest running surveys, we are able to provide valuable year-over-year data that shows major and minor shifts in corporate risk mitigation strategies and predict future trends. Join us as we take a look at how macroeconomic changes and new regulations continue to impact all treasury professionals as they approach business decisions.

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Bank Connectivity: The Data Behind Where we Are and Where We're Going - Webinar Replay (CTP and FP&A)

Date: 6/05/2018


Bank connectivity is a common pain point for treasurers. With the arrival of PSD2 in Europe and the growing importance of APIs in streamlining integration with bank systems, treasury has a growing list of options when deciding upon the most appropriate connectivity approach.

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Cash Forecasting & Visibility: 2018 Survey Results - Webinar Replay (CTP and FP&A)

Date: 12/20/2018

This webinar focuses on understanding the layers of internal complexity that can make cash positioning and forecasting so difficult, as well as the array of technologies, systems, and processes used by companies to enhance the accuracy of their forecasts and effectively manage cash.

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Corporate Payments: Figuring Out the Complexity of the Middle - Webinar Replay (CTP)

Date: 11/20/2018

This session offers a data-driven look at the current state of the payments environment before examining real-world case studies where companies have successfully developed end-to-end payment processing capabilities for their treasury operations. While the material covered is geared towards corporate treasury and AP professionals, corporate bankers and product managers will also find the information useful as it pertains to their clients.

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A Deeper Dive into Tax Credits: Evaluating Use Cases for Tax Equity Investments - Webinar Replay (CTP and FP&A)

Date: 10/04/2018

This webinar will examine the scenarios in which organizations can leverage tax equity investments to reduce their tax liability, generate multi-year returns on capital, and create impactful PR opportunities while benefitting and supporting their communities in the process. We’ll analyze and compare the benefits of the three most prominent federal tax credit programs (renewable energy, low-income housing, historic site rehabilitation) and will also provide an overview of various state program opportunities.

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Project Management: The Key Aspects for TMS Selection and Implementation - Webinar Replay (CTP and FP&A)

Date: 02/22/2018

In today’s world, fraud represents a significant threat. This session will identify several key security principles and couple them with techniques that help treasury address existing and developing challenges.

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Security Challenges with Payments - Webinar Replay (CTP)

Date: 01/25/2018

In today’s world, fraud represents a significant threat. This session will identify several key security principles and couple them with techniques that help treasury address existing and developing challenges.

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Internal Compliance: 2017 Survey Results - Webinar Replay (CTP and FP&A)

Date: 01/18/2018

With a focus on the strategies and practices employed by treasury for maintaining compliance within a rapidly evolving regulatory landscape, the results will be used to determine where you stand in comparison to other companies.

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Fraud is Rampant: Six Key Principles for Security - Webinar Replay (CTP and FP&A)

Date: 01/16/2018

This session covers six of the key security principles and provides real-world examples that emphasize immediate usefulness to your organization.

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Live Survey(s)

We do not have any live surveys right now. Please check back soon!


Webinar: Treasury Aggregators | February 5

Webinar: Treasury Aggregators | February 5

Banking and payments data complexity can grow rapidly. Bank portals and manual processes become untenable quickly, and at a certain point of complexity, specialized tools become expedient. This webinar will discuss how a treasury aggregator (TA) can address these areas of complexity by automating time-consuming tasks and supporting efficient and controlled operations. Additional topics will include the role of a treasury aggregator within the larger treasury technology landscape, factors affecting the future of treasury aggregators, and leading practices for successfully implementing a TA.

Webinar: Global Payments Survey Results | January 14

Webinar: Global Payments Survey Results | January 14

The recent Global Payments Survey polled treasury and payments professionals on their pain points, expectations, and plans in view of today’s increasingly complex payments environment. The research collected longitudinal data and insights on topics such as cross-border and FX operations, compliance and security, faster payments, spending plans on payments technology, and elements of increasing complexity. This webinar will cover key findings from the survey results, offering an up-to-date view of the current payments landscape and your peers’ actions and plans.

Request to be on the Treasury Update Podcast

Is there a major treasury project or initiative underway at your firm? We’d love to hear about it! With listeners in over 140 countries tuning in to our Treasury Update Podcast, sharing your experience as a guest speaker is a great way to connect with peers and educate the industry. If interested, please fill out the form below.

Upon submission, your information will be passed to one of our team members to follow up with you. If you encounter any issues or have an urgent request, please don’t hesitate to reach out to ky@strategictreasurer.com

2017 Treasury + Risk Management Fintech Analyst Report (TMS/TRMS)

Check out new episodes on the Treasury Update Podcast!

*CTP credits available on episodes where noted

Request to Join the Treasury Ambassador Program

Fill out the form below to request to join this exclusive program.

Upon submission, your information will be passed to one of our team members to follow up with you. If you encounter any issues or have an urgent request, please don’t hesitate to reach out to ky@strategictreasurer.com.


Treasury Ambassadors

+1 678.466-2220

Ky Casanova

+1 678.466-2215

Treasury Ambassadors Group

Want to join our exclusive LinkedIn group for Treasury Ambassadors? Contact us for an invite. We will keep you up-to-date on new live surveys, upcoming webinars, survey results reports releases, and more!