Tuesday, March 26, 2024
2:00 PM – 3:00 PM EDT
This is an online event
Patrick Moye, Deluxe
Craig Jeffery, Strategic Treasurer
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Data is the new currency in the B2B payment industry, but many organizations struggle to harness its full potential. Manual, inconsistent, or inaccurate cash application and forecasting methods can lead to poor payment visibility, increased costs, and missed business opportunities. How can you transform your treasury role from a service provider to a strategic advisor, enabling smarter business decisions with data-informed actions?
Join Deluxe’s Executive Director of Receivables Patrick Moye and Strategic Treasurer’s Craig Jeffery for a discussion on how powerful data and cash forecasting can be in the B2B payments industry. In this webinar, we’ll cover:
• The common pitfalls of existing data processing and resistance to change.
• How to transform your treasury role from a service provider to a strategic advisor.
• Steps to improving forecasting and cash application.
Don’t miss this chance to learn more about the power of data and the actions your business can take to succeed.
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