As a task that is both vital and challenging for treasury, cash forecasting is an area where leveraging effective tools can make a massive difference. Forecasting using spreadsheets consumes more time than most treasury departments can afford, and human errors and inaccuracy can often still plague the final results. This webinar will discuss how machine learning (ML) and application programming interfaces (APIs) can power more efficient and effective forecasting. Details covered will include pattern detection and analysis through ML, APIs and aggregation, and automation and updating, as well as discussing technological expansions into scenario planning and auto-tagging.
1.2 CTP and FP&A re-certification credits will be given for attendance to this live webinar.
Tuesday, May 24, 2022
2:00 – 3:00 PM EDT
This is an online event
Craig Jeffery, Strategic Treasurer
Tracey Knight, Trovata
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