Treasury & Receivables: Value of a Comprehensive View

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Advise - Major Projects
Assist - Outsourced Services
Research - Market Data
Inform - Industry Insights


Tuesday, June 4, 2024


2:00 PM – 3:00 PM EDT


This is an online event


Rick Scholz, Deluxe
Craig Jeffery, Strategic Treasurer

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Strategic Treasurer Logo


Acting in silos often comes easily to treasury, AR, and other areas, but the silo mindset is restrictive and limited. A comprehensive view, one that looks at the full process and all participants, offers far greater value for the organization and its partners. This view not only includes an end-to-end look within the company, but also includes external counterparties. “Optimizing part of the process suboptimizes the whole,” as the famous quote says, and optimizing the entire process requires an end-to-end to end-to-end look. This session explores how to:

• Improve overall treasury performance (liquidity, visibility, scalability)
• Strengthen AR (automation, reporting, defect reduction)
• Identify the parties that need to be part of the decision discussions
• Use third parties to secure trusted advice and understand leading practices

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