Episode 304
Bank Fee Standards: Decisions, Negotiations, and Savings
Understanding bank fees helps consumers and corporations make informed decisions, avoid hidden charges, and negotiate better terms. In today’s podcast, Craig Jeffery and Christin Cifaldi discuss the importance of understanding bank fees, including their impact on consumer decisions, corporate finances, and negotiation strategies.
Join our webinar on May 9th on The Guide to Bank Pricing: Navigating the Range by registering here.
Craig Jeffery, Strategic Treasurer

Christin Cifaldi, Strategic Treasurer

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Related Resources
Feenix Guide to Bank Pricing Strategic Treasurer’s Feenix Guide to Bank Pricing displays data and fees paid from thousands of account analysis statements over the past three years. Our large database is a cross-section of individual line-item charges from multination and domestic banks. Line items have been mapped into each of Strategic Treasurer’s product families and subfamilies, representing an accurate (apples-to-apples) comparison for product families and helping companies remove some of the guess work when reviewing bank account analysis statements.
Coffee Break Sessions A part of the Treasury Update Podcast, Coffee Break Sessions are 6-12 minute bite-size episodes covering foundational topics and core treasury issues in about the same amount of time it takes you to drink your coffee. The show episodes are released every first and third Thursday of the month with Host Jonathan Jeffery of Strategic Treasurer.