#299 – Prioritizing Relationships over Transactions: The Importance of Payments In Customer Experience with Deluxe

#299 – Prioritizing Relationships over Transactions: The Importance of Payments In Customer Experience with Deluxe

Payment processing is no longer just transactional. It’s now about weaving payments seamlessly into the customer journey. In today’s podcast, Craig Jeffery, Managing Partner of Strategic Treasurer, and Layne Kight, Sr. Product Manager of Digital Payment Solutions at Deluxe, discuss customer expectations across industries like healthcare, utilities, and banking. They discuss how those industries cater to expectations, as well as practical ways the industry has improved over the past decade. Listen in to learn more.

#296 – How to Solve FBAR Without Killing Your Team

#296 – How to Solve FBAR Without Killing Your Team

In today’s episode of the Treasury Update Podcast, Lee Patton and Craig Jeffery discuss various strategies for managing FBAR compliance. They explore the process, challenges, and solutions, from understanding the background and significance of FBAR to exploring options for managing the process.