Webinar: Working Capital Management: Visibility and Insights | July 26

Webinar: Working Capital Management: Visibility and Insights | July 26

All leading organizations manage working capital intentionally. This is often part of the overall liquidity management process. Given that this requires looking at many different systems, data points, and responsible leadership, gaining visibility and a unified look at an organization’s liquidity and working capital can be a challenge.

Priorities must come before proper action on working capital and liquidity management. Proper prioritization requires insights, and insights require visibility across cash, accounts receivable, inventory, and accounts payable.

This session will offer a macro view of improving working capital and liquidity management through comprehensive visibility, common goals, consistent metrics, and a unified approach.

CPE credits:
1. Examining the role that comprehensive visibility plays in improving working capital and liquidity management.
2. Understanding the importance of common goals and consistent metrics as they pertain to improving working capital and liquidity management.
3. How a unified approach helps achieve improved working capital and liquidity management.
Field: Finance – Technical

Webinar: AR Leading Practices (Part 1): Faster Payments and Changing Controls | July 19

Webinar: AR Leading Practices (Part 1): Faster Payments and Changing Controls | July 19

Reflective of their name, faster payments are also creating rapid changes both in the payments arena and in the surrounding control requirements. While AR professionals are, as a whole, excited about the opportunities faster payments present, many also recognize some challenges and concerns, raising several questions: What are the different challenges these innovations pose? How will those challenges progress or shift over time? What changes are occurring with control requirements? And finally, given all of that, how can treasury and AR work together to optimize working capital and their overall processes and results in this new environment? This webinar will seek to answer these key questions, shedding light on both what is changing and how AR and treasury can move forward.
CPE credits:
1. Consider the different challenges posed by innovations in faster payments and how those challenges progress or shift over time.
2. Gain understanding on the changes occurring with control requirements.
3. Learn how treasury and AR can work together to optimize working capital and their overall processes and results in this new environment.
Field: Accounting – Technical

Webinar: Managing a Treasury in Transition | July 21

Webinar: Managing a Treasury in Transition | July 21

Companies grow and change at different rates. During growth phases, companies can reach a number of transition points where the adoption of new processes is an absolute necessity. Treasury has to both rise and adapt to meet the evolving needs of the organization.

As a company scales, developments need to be made across a number of areas. These include 1) relationships, 2) structures, 3) technology, 4) staffing, and 5) processes. This session will explore how treasury professionals can recognize points of transformation and opportunities to benefit their organization.

Whether you are relatively new to treasury or a seasoned treasury veteran, this session will deepen your understanding of:

• Key indicators that drive transformation (complexity and size)
• How treasury processes need to shift as an organization scales
• Technology that supports visibility, efficiency, and control
• Measurements your team should consider for KPIs
• What your treasury department could and should look like
• Best practices that need to be considered

Webinar: Examining The Treasury Recruitment Company’s Global Treasury Salary Survey | June 16

Webinar: Examining The Treasury Recruitment Company’s Global Treasury Salary Survey | June 16

Ever since 2002, the Global Treasury Salary Survey has offered an accurate picture of salary ranges and market trends. That mission still exists today, but it has expanded to focus on the sentiments related to job satisfaction, overall fulfillment, and understanding “the why” behind these attitudes.

In this webinar, we will discuss the highlights of the most recent Global Treasury Salary Survey results. (For full results, consider participating in this ongoing survey at www.TreasurySalary.com. Updated results are released throughout the year.) Highlights covered in this session include the following:

-The rising number of new treasury opportunities.
-Where compensation levels are rising and where competition for positions is highest.
-The basic salary vs. all dimensions of compensation.
-What balance do treasury professionals seek in return to office vs. hybrid working arrangements?
-What other dimensions are key to employee happiness? What ranks highest? Is it being a good boss, doing work that matters, or having a friendly and supportive team?

Webinar: Treasury Technology Implementation 101: Creating a Win-Win for Clients and Vendors | June 15

Webinar: Treasury Technology Implementation 101: Creating a Win-Win for Clients and Vendors | June 15

Congratulations, you have done your hard work to gather resources, line up your teams, plan your budget, complete your RFP process and select the perfect fit solution for your company. But then technology implementation turns out to be the best example of Murphy’s Law: There’s more customization than you thought. Original timelines aren’t being met. Insufficient budget. Staff just doesn’t have enough time. IT got pulled in a different direction. The project manager isn’t managing. Not enough resources. And once the implementation is done, how do clients and vendors measure their satisfaction with the performance of the solution?

Join Craig Jeffery, Managing Partner at Strategic Treasurer, and Juan Saudino, VP of Professional Services at HighRadius, as they discuss leading practices in the treasury technology implementation process and how to get the most out of it.

Key Takeaways:
1. How to approach the implementation with a mindset of achieving the maximum value within the shortest timeline by prioritizing activities and leveraging accelerators.
2. Understanding the importance of executive buy-in during the design process when it comes to aligning value with effort.
3. How to ensure good communication between vendors and clients post-implementation.

Webinar: Optimizing Bank Relationships and Operational Efficiency | June 7

Webinar: Optimizing Bank Relationships and Operational Efficiency | June 7

In this webinar, Tracey Knight, the VP of Client Success at Trovata, and Craig Jeffery, Managing Partner of Strategic Treasurer, will discuss strategies and methods you can use to streamline bank account management, optimizing both relationships and operational activity in the face of complexity and growth. By leveraging automation technology to consolidate cash balances and transactions into a unified platform, your treasury can achieve greater operational efficiency and understanding of cash flows while better allocating spend.