Webinar: Treasury Fraud & Controls: 2021 Survey Results

Webinar: Treasury Fraud & Controls: 2021 Survey Results

This webinar covers the results and provides insights into the 2021 Treasury Fraud and Controls Survey. This survey’s purpose was to evaluate the current and projected impact of fraud on the finance and treasury environment. Practitioners were polled on their experiences with fraud and on the range of controls, safeguards, and security practices employed to protect their financial assets and information. The data was compiled and is used to educate the industry as to how the fraud landscape is evolving, and how practitioners can better protect themselves and their organizations against attacks.

#128 – 2020 Treasury in Review

#128 – 2020 Treasury in Review

Craig Jeffery, Managing Partner of Strategic Treasurer, give us the 2020 year in review. As the new year approaches, he discusses the implications of activities to combat the virus that wreaked havoc earlier in the year for most areas of the economy and cover some elements of recovery while looking ahead to 2021.