Webinar: New Technologies: Impact on Treasury & Risk Management

Webinar: New Technologies: Impact on Treasury & Risk Management

Technology advances are impacting all aspects of our business lives and processes. The changes are legion and include such things as: expansion of cloud-native technologies, advantages of low-code platforms, integrated BI solution sets, and open treasury/risk platforms. This session will explore the tech shift and how risk/treasury professionals can leverage the new tools and technology. Attendees will better understand how app-based solutions and micro-services change the implementation and risk paradigms confronting organizations. Learning what the opportunities are and how to better mitigate technology risks are additional outcomes of this dialog-oriented session.

Webinar: Digital Transformation Strategy Series: Part 3 – Partnering with IT on Your Digital Transformation

Webinar: Digital Transformation Strategy Series: Part 3 – Partnering with IT on Your Digital Transformation

Visibility, data connectivity and forecasting are crucial to staying afloat in today’s climate, and leveraging new technology is becoming more and more crucial to achieving those goals. From RPA to AI and ML, the alphabet soup is confusing but increasingly important to treasury’s daily life. Learn the fundamentals of these technologies and how they can empower your treasury team to unlock efficiency and access accurate information.

Webinar: B2B Payments: 2021 Survey Results

Webinar: B2B Payments: 2021 Survey Results

In the ever-changing world of corporate finance, core responsibilities like payments and cash management must continually adapt to keep pace with developing initiatives, regulations, and threats. There is always a need to learn what treasury and payment professionals are planning to do. This year’s B2B Payments Survey sought to do just that. We asked questions regarding payment complexity, challenges, security, and unique tactics employed by organizations looking to optimize payments processes and maximize efficiency. This session will share high-level highlights from the survey and what banks and corporations are doing for their leading practices, priorities and spend plans.

Webinar: Payment Security Services in Context: Stacking Your Defensive Line

Webinar: Payment Security Services in Context: Stacking Your Defensive Line

With rising fraud rates and new threats cropping up for digital payments, treasurers are seeking to decrease the risk of fraud and strengthen their defenses. While there are a number of ways individual companies can batten down their own security hatches, there are also ways networks as a whole can build a robust defense. This webinar will discuss how networks and participants can join forces to protect digital payments and combat fraud.