Webinar: Payment Efficiency – Improving Customer Experience by Reducing Touchpoints

Webinar: Payment Efficiency – Improving Customer Experience by Reducing Touchpoints

Payments are very much in focus these days both for the payer and the payee. One company’s payable is another company’s receivable, but many times, organizations don’t think through the overall experience of a transaction outside of their organization. This can lead to an unsatisfying experience for the supplier, and this lack of satisfaction can boomerang right back on the sender, whether in the form of exception management or numerous connections to resolve an issue or update a setup. Payment efficiency and customer experience are two sides of the same coin. What decreases CX and ruins efficiency? Defects and manual activity. What is the biggest driver of defects and manual activity? A process that is designed with excessive touchpoints. This session will explore the pain points experienced by so many companies and examine strategies that companies deploy to reduce touchpoints, improve customer experience and increase efficiency in the world of payments.

Roundtable: Drivers of a World-Class Forecast

Drivers of a World-Class Forecast Roundtable Register Now Join us for a candid discussion with your peers on the drivers and strategy of world-class cash forecasting. Automated, accurate forecasting is now possible thanks to technological innovations, but exactly what...
Webinar: Payments Management – Achieving Scale and Efficiency

Webinar: Payments Management – Achieving Scale and Efficiency

Organizational growth is a good thing, but scaling up isn’t always easy when it comes to payments. Significant efficiency is often necessary to support this growth and keep things running smoothly and securely. This webinar will explore the use of technology and outsourcing for achieving scale and efficiency without compromising safety. Specific topics discussed will include the following:
-Easy of deployment
-Scaling through outsourcing
-Building efficiency throughout the entire payable process

Webinar: Reducing the Complexity of Payment Landscape

Webinar: Reducing the Complexity of Payment Landscape

When it comes to payments, many companies are finding the risk of fraud and the importance of efficiency both reaching higher levels than ever. Digitizing payments can bring relief on both fronts by driving payments through a streamlined, secure channel. This webinar will discuss the ways in which a secure payments solution reduces the complexity of the payments landscape, simultaneously increasing efficiency and reducing the fronts of defense and the number of vulnerabilities.

Roundtable: Future of Treasury Consumer Brands

Future of Treasury Consumer Brands Roundtable Register Now Join us for a candid discussion with industry peers on leading practices, trends, and issues impacting public facing brands. Registration is required for this event. Space is limited. $25 Amazon.com gift cards...