Webinar: Principles and Options for Bank Fee Management | January 26

Webinar: Principles and Options for Bank Fee Management | January 26

Managing bank fees through active monitoring of your analysis statements is typically on the to-do list but it rarely gets checked off as complete. Perhaps you are putting out a myriad of fires and the idea of getting out a magnifying glass to manually dig into your bank invoices is less than appealing. Is that something your team should even be doing? In this session we will help you understand the practical, operational, and strategic elements of effectively managing bank relationships and handling the mundane and vital process of managing expenses. This session will include a brief case study covering a multi-national corporation’s review of global bank fees and strategic ongoing management of their bank relationships. Corporate practitioner takeaways will include: 1) ways to architect your bank fee management process and 2) benefits of bank fee analysis and benchmarking.

Webinar: Analyst Report Series: SCF & CCC Solutions | February 15

Webinar: Analyst Report Series: SCF & CCC Solutions | February 15

Optimizing working capital, driving up efficiency in the cash conversion cycle (CCC), and supporting vital suppliers are all important to many companies today – but they are also all difficult. However, several types of technology solutions can help further these goals, notably supply chain finance (SCF) solutions and those addressing various portions of the CCC. This webinar will cover the pain points these solutions address, the various SCF models, the navigation of supplier participation issues, the problem of competing KPIs within the CCC, and the use of working capital councils to improve these areas.

Webinar: 2022 Predictions and Trends

Webinar: 2022 Predictions and Trends

Join Kyriba’s Bob Stark and Strategic Treasurer’s Craig Jeffery as they discuss a range of ongoing trends and future predictions. What is happening with technology adoption (AI, ML, API, RPA)? How will compliance change in 2022 (payments, KYC)? What hot trends will slow and which will accelerate (real-time, technologies)? What are the drivers of these changes (macro economic, management, risk)? Polling questions will supplement the dialog and debate in order to capture the audience views in real-time.