Webinar: Corporate Banking Innovation Survey Results | March 23

Webinar: Corporate Banking Innovation Survey Results | March 23

The corporate banking industry is having to adapt to new technology, changing competition, and different expectations. Launched by Infosys Finacle, Strategic Treasurer, and Red Hat, the inaugural Corporate Banking Innovation Survey gathered data on the current state of the industry landscape and on banking respondents’ perspectives and plans for innovation. This webinar covers the results and discusses the implications of what your peers are doing and seeing.

Webinar: AFP Utah – Treasury Perspectives Survey Results | March 17

Webinar: AFP Utah – Treasury Perspectives Survey Results | March 17

Strategic Treasurer and TD Bank’s annual Treasury Perspectives Survey polled treasury and finance practitioners on their current perspectives, plans and strategies on a range of issues: economic and geopolitical outlook, credit use and availability, COVID-19 impact, operations and benchmarks, staffing, regulation, bank relationship management, technology and more. This webinar will cover the survey’s results and will discuss the primary implications of this data for organizations in 2022 and beyond.

Webinar: Operational Excellence for Best-in-Class Treasury | March 16

Webinar: Operational Excellence for Best-in-Class Treasury | March 16

You are likely familiar with the phrase, “what gets measured gets improved.” It is also an almost universal request of treasury and finance professionals to see dashboards and KPIs used by other companies. Visibility into performance and data allows for improved decision-making, a renewed focus on efficiency, insight into liquidity, and better financial results. This session will examine the types of metrics used by leading companies to monitor and improve their performance across a range of areas with the additional context of differences between company positions (liquidity situation, transaction intensity, working capital drivers).

Webinar: Short-Term Investing: Insured Deposit Accounts Foundations | March 24

Webinar: Short-Term Investing: Insured Deposit Accounts Foundations | March 24

Organizations have a wide range of options for their short-term cash. The level of understanding regarding how companies can use insured deposit accounts varies significantly. This abbreviated presentation will provide a foundational look at how these investments work, how they are typically used, and how they compare with some other popular short-term investment options. The conversation will cover elements of efficiency, safety, liquidity, and yield, as well as how current developments continue to influence the short-term investment market.

Webinar: 2022 Treasury Fraud & Controls Survey Results | March 22

Webinar: 2022 Treasury Fraud & Controls Survey Results | March 22

The 2022 Treasury Fraud and Controls Survey recently closed, with respondents providing valuable data on multiple elements impacting fraud and security. Practitioners were polled on their experiences with fraud in the past year and on the range of controls, safeguards, and security practices employed to protect their financial assets and information. This webinar will highlight and discuss some of the key findings from this year’s research.