Webinar: Analyst Report Series: Treasury Aggregators | February 16

Webinar: Analyst Report Series: Treasury Aggregators | February 16

Treasury departments require massive amounts of connectivity both to internal and external groups. As the company meets with changes and growth, these connectivity needs result in heightened complexity. From payment types and formats to compliance and fraud, this complexity can become overwhelming for treasury staff. This webinar will discuss how treasury aggregators (TA) address these pain points by supporting efficient and controlled operations even in the midst of complexity. Additional topics will include the role of a treasury aggregator within the larger treasury technology landscape, factors affecting the future of aggregation, and leading practices for successfully implementing a TA.

Webinar: Evolving Payments: From Making Payments Globally to Virtual Cards | January 31

Webinar: Evolving Payments: From Making Payments Globally to Virtual Cards | January 31

The payments landscape has been evolving more rapidly of late. Handling these changes has been a significant challenge, but newer payment types have also brought new opportunities and benefits. This session will cover the experiences, expectations, and plans of payment and treasury professionals. Companies are adapting in order to better manage payments across a range of geographies and currencies. Meanwhile, the scope and scale of fraud has sped the rise of virtual cards. This session will expand on the results and implications of two payment-related surveys.

Webinar: Platform Conversion & Customer Experience | January 24

Webinar: Platform Conversion & Customer Experience | January 24

When banks undertake a conversion of systems or banking platforms, the changes can significantly impact their customers. Far too frequently, these changes lead to a less than optimal experience for many clients. Why is this so frequently the case? What can be done to make future changes (major ones) a better customer experience than historical examples? This session will explore the nature of platform changes and identify some significant leading practices to support the success of treasury system and digital platform conversion projects. This session will be presented by Superior, a leading service company that has helped many banks with their platform and client transitions, and Strategic Treasurer, a leading consultancy that has worked with companies to help manage the requisite changes brought about by bank platform upgrades.

Webinar: 2023 Outlook for Treasury: Strategies for Success | January 17

Webinar: 2023 Outlook for Treasury: Strategies for Success | January 17

As we leave 2022 behind us, we find 2023 starting with both high volatility and increased expectations for managing risks. What does this vulnerability mean to treasurers? What types of outcomes should we expect across the domains of credit, FX price volatility, elevated inflation, and increasing interest rates?

As treasurers examine the environment and how to address it, this dialogue will look at strategies for managing FX volatility, ways companies are thinking about data and artificial intelligence/machine learning, faster and real-time treasury (hype vs. the reality of everything moving faster), and the annual challenge of forecasting liquidity. Join Bob Stark, Kyriba, and Craig Jeffery, Strategic Treasurer, as they share their thoughts and draw out distinctions, useful frameworks for thinking, and practical approaches to help your organization succeed in 2023 and beyond.