Webinar: Measuring the Recovery

Webinar: Measuring the Recovery

A year into the COVID-19 global pandemic, the Treasury Coalition continues to gather data on the crisis and recovery. The Coalition, formed to assist treasury and finance professionals by means of timely information, collects and distributes data through the Global Recovery Monitor, a brief survey currently run on a bi-monthly basis. Its areas of inquiry include concerns and response plans, economic preparations and outlooks, impact changes, and developments over time. With a full year’s worth of data now, this webinar will review the results of all 19 periods, dive into cross cuts, and discuss what organizations can do moving forward in 2021.

Webinar: Vendor Validation & Risk Mitigation Tactics

Webinar: Vendor Validation & Risk Mitigation Tactics

Finance professionals know the vital importance of protecting their payments against the ever-present threat of fraud. As technology evolves rapidly, the modern accounts payable department has many options and tactics available to it for mitigating fraud risks. This webinar will explain those options and tactics, focusing on the use of technology for controls, such as vendor validation, to prevent fraud and manage payments efficiently and securely.

Webinar: Treasury Fraud & Controls: 2021 Survey Results

Webinar: Treasury Fraud & Controls: 2021 Survey Results

This webinar covers the results and provides insights into the 2021 Treasury Fraud and Controls Survey. This survey’s purpose was to evaluate the current and projected impact of fraud on the finance and treasury environment. Practitioners were polled on their experiences with fraud and on the range of controls, safeguards, and security practices employed to protect their financial assets and information. The data was compiled and is used to educate the industry as to how the fraud landscape is evolving, and how practitioners can better protect themselves and their organizations against attacks.

Webinar: Analyst Report Series: Treasury Aggregator Bank Connectivity Solutions

Webinar: Analyst Report Series: Treasury Aggregator Bank Connectivity Solutions

Treasury departments require massive connectivity both to internal and external groups. Treasury aggregators can help. In this webinar, we discuss the pain points driving this technology, such as fraud, disparate and evolving payment formats, complexity, compliance, and staffing, along with the various way in which a treasury aggregator can address those pain points and support efficient and controlled operations. Additional topics will include the role of a treasury aggregator within the larger treasury technology landscape, factors affecting the future of aggregation, and leading practices for implementation.