Webinar: Modernizing Accounts Receivable Processing:  2023 Survey Results | September 20

Webinar: Modernizing Accounts Receivable Processing: 2023 Survey Results | September 20

This webinar discusses the survey results from the 2023 Modernizing Accounts Receivable Processing Survey. The survey explored the practices and plans of AR professionals, pain points, areas of increasing value and investment, and more. From reasons to move providers to challenges in achieving AR process modernization, the results covered in this webinar shed light on the current environment, the rates of change, and the ways your peers are responding to disruption and corporate goals.

Webinar: Unlocking the Power of Automation in AP Processes | September 26

Webinar: Unlocking the Power of Automation in AP Processes | September 26

In the world of modern business, achieving efficiency and cost-effectiveness is crucial to success. However, a common problem that hinders this goal is defects within critical business processes. Among these, the accounts payable (AP) process stands out as a prime contributor to inefficiencies and financial losses. But what exactly fuels these defects? There are two primary sources:

1. Manual processes and handoffs.
2. Poorly designed processes with limited scope.

Understanding the AP process and the advantages of automation is crucial. This understanding goes beyond just the steps in the process; it includes how information is used, managing available funds, optimizing working capital, reducing risks, preventing fraud, and increasing overall business adaptability. Join us in this informative webinar as we uncover the surprising impacts that automation can have on the AP process.

Webinar: Receivables Strategies: How to Solve for Increasingly Complex Payment Types | September 19

Webinar: Receivables Strategies: How to Solve for Increasingly Complex Payment Types | September 19

The entire pay-to-receive environment has become more complex over time as payment options increase. There are newer payment types, but the older ones are not going away. Companies must figure out how to get paid in this environment of “more and multiple” while gaining efficiencies and control. Automating receivables while adopting digital solutions more vigorously is vital. This session will also explore how closed loop networks work and how to navigate the range of changes. Closed loop networks like FedNow and Real-Time Payments (RTP) will be included in this practical and fast-paced discussion. Your hosts come from Deluxe, a payment fintech, and Strategic Treasurer, a research and advisory firm.

Webinar: Treasury Insights » Special Access to Providers

Webinar: Treasury Insights » Special Access to Providers

A formal assessment of a company’s payment processes typically reveals 50-100% more payment processes than they believed they had. Every payment flow is a point of security exposure, and it is difficult to protect what you don’t know exists. This webinar will discuss the principles of a payment assessment, offering practical insights and leading practices for completing a thorough inventory, formally documenting it for institutional knowledge, assessing controls and types of payment flows, and examining your organization’s overall situation with regards to payments.

Webinar: 2023 Treasury Tech Survey Results | September 6

Webinar: 2023 Treasury Tech Survey Results | September 6

This webinar will discuss the results of the 2023 Treasury Technology Survey. This survey gathered detailed data on practitioner’s use, plans, perspectives, and experiences with treasury management systems and other forms of treasury technology. Results showed what is important to treasury practitioners in their technology, which technology types are rapidly becoming standard and which are holding steady, and what treasury departments are looking for in technology partners. In the midst of a rapidly changing environment, these findings indicate the current trends and adoption rates, helping treasury make strategic decisions.