Although continued technological enhancements are allowing organizations to manage payment operations in a more efficient manner, criminals are also leveraging new technology to develop more sophisticated and dangerous fraudulent techniques.

The Why and How of Securing Treasury and Payments

Co-Sponsored by PDG

Date:     Tuesday, September 11th, 2018

Time:     2:00PM – 3:00PM EST

Where:  This is an online event.

When it comes to fraud, the past few years have seen a massive rise in criminal activity perpetrated against businesses and institutions. Often, these attempts will specifically target financial personnel including treasury and those with authority or oversight over payments activity. Although continued technological enhancements are allowing organizations to manage payment operations in a more efficient manner, criminals are also leveraging new technology to develop more sophisticated and dangerous fraudulent techniques. The result is that organizations must be more prepared now than ever before when it comes to protecting their financial assets.

This webinar will explore the dramatic increase in fraud that has occurred within the financial environment and examine how new technologies have given way to the creation of more sophisticated criminal techniques. The presentation will also identify common areas of exposure that exist within organizations today and, finally, analyze specific methods and strategies that financial practitioners can employ to protect themselves. 

1.2 CTP and FP&A re-certification credits will be given for attendance to this live webinar.

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