The Future of Treasury Technology Webinar
Join us for a webinar that examines the technologies that are impacting how an organization can achieve its business objectives and how you can better prepare to adopt those technologies that are appropriate for your organization.

The Future of Treasury Technology Webinar

Date:     Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Time:    11:00 AM – 12:00 PM ET

Where:  This is an online event.

Technology is changing business, finance, and treasury. The needs of treasury are driving teams to employ technology to solve issues related to: accuracy, flexibility, speed, visibility, scalability, and fraud.
The challenges span 1) understanding the technology behind the alphabet soup, 2) knowing how these technologies compare to existing technology already in our organizations, 3) being able to recognize what is ready for prime-time and what needs heavy focus to gain appropriate facility with the tools, and 4) those items that require monitoring as their applicability may be years off.
The webinar will explore technologies that are changing treasury today and will examine the implications for the next six months out to two years. We’ll examine the technologies that are impacting how an organization can achieve its business objectives and how you can better prepare to adopt those technologies that are appropriate for your organization.
If you encounter any issues with this webinar replay, please contact our team.

Download the webinar deck here:

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