Session 104
Are There Alternatives to FDIC and SIPC?
In our final episode covering FDIC and SIPC, we’ll hear from Paul Galloway, Senior Director, Advisory Services at Strategic Treasurer, on the thought process behind optimizing your portfolio when you’ve reached the limits of FDIC and SIPC coverage.
Interested in learning more about insured deposit accounts? Listen to The Treasury Update Podcast episode 186: Insured Deposit Accounts: Interest Rate Changes and Security
Listen to the rest of this mini-series:
Coffee Break Session #101: What Is FDIC Insurance?
Coffee Break Session #102: What Is SIPC Insurance?
Coffee Break Session #103: What’s the Difference between FDIC and SIPC?
Jonathan Jeffery, Strategic Treasurer

Paul Galloway, Strategic Treasurer

This ebook is for the various internal groups involved in payments and cash conversion, from AP and AR to Treasury and Finance. It delves into the “why” and the “how” of cooperation and seeking win-win solutions, offering insights into department-specific considerations and leading practices for payments transformation and cashflow improvement. It shows how Treasury, Finance, AP and AR must all work to understand the other perspectives involved, seeking win-win scenarios that support overarching organizational goals, departmental needs and external partnerships.
The Treasury Update Podcast – Insured Deposit Accounts: Interest Rate Changes and Security
On this episode of the podcast, Host Craig Jeffery continues a conversation with Bruce Bent II, CEO and President of Landing Rock Cash Management, on insured deposit accounts with a focus on interest rate changes and security. They explore the differences between holding a certificate of deposit (CD) and having an individual deposit account, how to navigate investment decisions between products, and what you must consider with short-term investment on security and compliance. Listen in to the discussion to find out more.