Episode 351
The AI-Fication of Jobs: Navigating Disruption (CFTE)
In this episode, Craig Jeffery interviews Tram Anh Nguyen, co-founder of CFTE, on how AI and generative AI are reshaping finance jobs. They discuss CFTE’s work with ACT on the “Generative AI for Treasurers” program, key industry insights, and how organizations can navigate this disruption. Tune in to learn more.
Craig Jeffery, Strategic Treasurer

Tram Anh Nguyen, CFTE

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Guide to Excellence in Treasury
With insights covering everything from important steps for the new treasurer to leading practices for securing resources, overcoming blind spots, staff development, metrics, technology, working capital, and more, the Guide to Excellence in Treasury eBook offers strategies and fine-tuned approaches to major areas of challenge for treasurers.