39: What Are Debits and Credits?

39: What Are Debits and Credits?

What are debits and credits? Coffee Break Session Host Alexa Cook catches up with Strategic Treasurer’s Managing Partner, Craig Jeffery, to discuss debits and credits. They define what debits and credits are and discuss how they can be viewed differently from the customer side and the accountant side.

37: What Is Netting?

37: What Is Netting?

What is netting? Coffee Break Session Host Alexa Cook catches up with Strategic Treasurer’s Managing Partner, Craig Jeffery, to discuss netting. They discuss what netting is, what different types of netting there are, and some benefits of netting. Listen in and learn a little bit about netting.

36: What Are Collection Accounts?

36: What Are Collection Accounts?

What are collection accounts? On this episode of the Coffee Break Sessions, Host Alexa Cook catches up with Strategic Treasurer’s Managing Partner, Craig Jeffery. They discuss what treasury needs to know about collection accounts, including what they are used for and who typically manages them. Listen in and learn a little bit about collection accounts.

35: What Are Header Accounts?

35: What Are Header Accounts?

What are header accounts? On this brief episode of the Coffee Break Sessions, Host Alexa Cook catches up with Strategic Treasurer’s Managing Partner, Craig Jeffery. They discuss what treasury needs to know about header accounts, including what they are used for and how they differ from concentration accounts. Listen in and learn a little bit about header accounts.

34: What Are Concentration Accounts?

34: What Are Concentration Accounts?

What are concentration accounts? On this episode of the Coffee Break Sessions, Host Alexa Cook catches up with Strategic Treasurer’s Managing Partner, Craig Jeffery. They discuss the main purpose of concentration accounts, their benefits, how many you should have, and whether there is any risk in using them.