Webinar: Three Essential Tools for Understanding Cash Management Pricing | August 6

Webinar: Three Essential Tools for Understanding Cash Management Pricing | August 6

The questions about bank fees come easy: Are we paying the right amount for our banking services? Are we being overcharged? How can we know when nothing is directly comparable and there is a lack of transparency? The answers, however, are far more difficult to find.
Understanding the “right amount” of bank fees requires understanding what others are paying and how these amounts are changing over time. Data forms the basis for this, but data must be presented clearly and understood to be useful. In this webinar, we will review select statistical and charting tools you can use to help your company better understand bank prices.
• Percentiles. Learn how percentile charts provide a basis for understanding what others are paying and where you stand. This creates easy visibility into what your expectations should be.
• Box and Whisker. This provides direct visibility into the band of pricing that exists in the market.
• Regression. Strategic Treasurer’s use of regression allows you to see the trend over time of the average price paid in the industry. Understanding the direction and influences can help you plan and better negotiate agreement terms.
To understand what is happening in the market and to negotiate favorable rates, you must have solid, up-to-date points of reference. This webinar will rely on the Feenix Guide to Bank Pricing to support various statistical and charting tools when reviewing your bank fees.

Webinar: Identifying and Addressing Business Deposit Challenges: A B2C Focus | August 8

Webinar: Identifying and Addressing Business Deposit Challenges: A B2C Focus | August 8

Receiving payment from consumers can be even more messy than receiving it from companies. Payment by card, check, digital wallets, and cash all have challenges of their own. Whether physical or virtual, remote or in-person, each factor contributes some type of complexity. Companies with consumer customers need to simplify the complexity of handling various payment types, including the messiest form of all: legal tender – cash. Deposit and collections concerns regarding costs, liquidity, visibility, flexibility, and safety have different rankings depending upon the mode and method of collecting. This session will touch on the landscape of methods, challenges, and solutions used by companies and offered by banks and third parties:
● In-person: cash, check, card, digital wallets
● Remote: check, card, electronic

Treasury System Selection

Treasury System Selection

Treasury System Selection Download the White paper Treasury System Selection There is much to consider when choosing treasury technology that will support your team’s daily operations for years to come. This brief white paper helps you break down the process and...
Webinar: 5 Steps to Modernize Your AR Processes | July 24

Webinar: 5 Steps to Modernize Your AR Processes | July 24

Join us to explore five steps for transforming and optimizing your accounts receivable (AR) processes. This session is designed to support companies at any stage of AR transformation, offering practical guidance on transitioning to automated and streamlined centers of excellence. The webinar will discuss five different steps that can help your team improve efficiency and visibility across your AR processes. Topics will include the following:
• Implementing end-to-end automation
• Employing a “single pane of glass” approach to visibility
• Streamlining virtual card processing
• Leveraging data for transaction processing
• Strengthening security and reducing risk to your customers

Webinar: Confronting Emerging Payment Threats | June 27

Webinar: Confronting Emerging Payment Threats | June 27

Protecting the payment process is more critical than ever. Criminals are deploying new and emerging payment threats, and these threats must be confronted. During this 50-minute presentation, we will cover essential strategies and technologies that can be implemented to safeguard your payment processes. We will explore the evolving landscape with digital payments, highlighting the latest trends and potential threats. Finally, we’ll examine the importance of training and maintaining your treasury team’s awareness of the vital role they play in supporting a secure payment environment.

Webinar: Treasury & Receivables: Value of a Comprehensive View | June 4

Webinar: Treasury & Receivables: Value of a Comprehensive View | June 4

Acting in silos often comes easily to treasury, AR, and other areas, but the silo mindset is restrictive and limited. A comprehensive view, one that looks at the full process and all participants, offers far greater value for the organization and its partners. This view not only includes an end-to-end look within the company, but also includes external counterparties. “Optimizing part of the process suboptimizes the whole,” as the famous quote says, and optimizing the entire process requires an end-to-end to end-to-end look. This session explores how to:
• Improve overall treasury performance (liquidity, visibility, scalability)
• Strengthen AR (automation, reporting, defect reduction)
• Identify the parties that need to be part of the decision discussions
• Use third parties to secure trusted advice and understand leading practices