Webinar: Navigating Risk During Uncertainty: The Treasurer’s Guide to Scenario Analysis | September 7

Webinar: Navigating Risk During Uncertainty: The Treasurer’s Guide to Scenario Analysis | September 7

During uncertain times, treasury teams must be on the frontlines to plan for business continuity by monitoring external factors such as seasonality, currency fluctuations, and broad economic indicators. Forecasting cash flow and strategic planning have never been more important.
A mature scenario analysis process is crucial to successfully mapping a course of action in this fluid environment. This strategic approach allows treasury accurate insight into how crises will play out and how your environment and key factors may change over time.
Key Takeaways:
Understand the impact of scenario analysis while preparing a cash forecast.
Learn how to examine the business levers available under best-case and worst-case scenarios.
Know how to leverage predictive analytics to generate reliable scenario models.

Webinar: B2B Payments:  2022 Survey Results | September 13

Webinar: B2B Payments: 2022 Survey Results | September 13

In 2022, the world of business payments faces continually developing threats, regulations, and priorities. In such a constantly changing environment, knowing what your peers are planning and doing can help you decide how to proceed and adapt. The B2B Payments Survey gathers data from treasury and finance professionals on payment challenges, security, technology, and complexity, probing global respondents on their plans, perceptions, and practices. This year’s results yielded insights on payment fraud, innovative tech use, differences between organizations of different sizes and in different regions, and more. The webinar will present and discuss highlights from the survey results and key takeaways for banks and corporations.

Webinar: Contemplating Improvements in Payments | August 23

Webinar: Contemplating Improvements in Payments | August 23

Given the technological and functionality changes in the payment space over the past five years, taking a fresh look at systems and services is in order. For those working to either optimize their current technology setup or looking to acquire new systems, gaining visibility and understanding of the newer functionality and the “art of the possible” is vital. This webinar will walk through the changing functionality and when/why this matters to organizations. Companies seek improved visibility, strengthened defenses against fraud, ability to scale, and reduced defects to drive efficiency. A leading technology provider and consultant will take attendees on a journey to payables improvements.

Webinar: Preparing Your Cash Forecasting Strategy for Market Uncertainty | September 22

Webinar: Preparing Your Cash Forecasting Strategy for Market Uncertainty | September 22

Companies today are bracing for an era of increasing market uncertainty, interest rate and pricing fluctuations, and possible recession. In such times, forecasting needs to become a priority. How can proactive treasurers prepare and strengthen their cash forecasting practices for future unknowns? In this webinar, Strategic Treasurer and Trovata discuss leading practices for crafting a strong cash forecasting strategy and offer steps that you can take now to put your treasury team in an advantageous position to handle whatever turbulence lies ahead.

Webinar: Securing Money and Data: Strengthening the Lines of Defense | August 17

Webinar: Securing Money and Data: Strengthening the Lines of Defense | August 17

Criminals are after your data and money. Constantly. They are increasingly more sophisticated and automated, and our response must be strengthened. This includes each area of exposure: technology, processes, structure, and people. Your firewall needs to be updated, but your human firewall(s) also need to be kept current. Security training for each payment professional on each payment process is a crucial part of your defense.

Webinar: Working Capital Management: Visibility and Insights | July 26

Webinar: Working Capital Management: Visibility and Insights | July 26

All leading organizations manage working capital intentionally. This is often part of the overall liquidity management process. Given that this requires looking at many different systems, data points, and responsible leadership, gaining visibility and a unified look at an organization’s liquidity and working capital can be a challenge.

Priorities must come before proper action on working capital and liquidity management. Proper prioritization requires insights, and insights require visibility across cash, accounts receivable, inventory, and accounts payable.

This session will offer a macro view of improving working capital and liquidity management through comprehensive visibility, common goals, consistent metrics, and a unified approach.

CPE credits:
1. Examining the role that comprehensive visibility plays in improving working capital and liquidity management.
2. Understanding the importance of common goals and consistent metrics as they pertain to improving working capital and liquidity management.
3. How a unified approach helps achieve improved working capital and liquidity management.
Field: Finance – Technical