Webinar: Treasury & Receivables: Value of a Comprehensive View | June 4

Webinar: Treasury & Receivables: Value of a Comprehensive View | June 4

Acting in silos often comes easily to treasury, AR, and other areas, but the silo mindset is restrictive and limited. A comprehensive view, one that looks at the full process and all participants, offers far greater value for the organization and its partners. This view not only includes an end-to-end look within the company, but also includes external counterparties. “Optimizing part of the process suboptimizes the whole,” as the famous quote says, and optimizing the entire process requires an end-to-end to end-to-end look. This session explores how to:
• Improve overall treasury performance (liquidity, visibility, scalability)
• Strengthen AR (automation, reporting, defect reduction)
• Identify the parties that need to be part of the decision discussions
• Use third parties to secure trusted advice and understand leading practices

Webinar: Instant Payments: Leveraging Speed, Data, and Security | May 23

Webinar: Instant Payments: Leveraging Speed, Data, and Security | May 23

Immediate payments have been emerging across the nation over the past ten years. Speed certainly matters in certain use cases, while richer information is important in most use cases, and improved security is top of mind. This webinar will review some of the key drivers for the use of “instant” payments. Why are companies already using these payment rails, and what is being contemplated and planned? What are the use cases? How are instant payments improving and innovating the treasury functions and funds flow? What are some of the key differences, and how can payment/treasury professionals best plan to take advantage of better payments?

Webinar: For Bad or Good: How AI Can Be Used to Attack or Defend Your Payments | May 16

Webinar: For Bad or Good: How AI Can Be Used to Attack or Defend Your Payments | May 16

It is imperative for today’s finance professionals to expand their knowledge of generative AI technologies to keep pace with developments in the market. This session will explore the different uses of AI, for both bad and good, and how finance teams can leverage AI tools in the B2B payment process to protect their bottom line. Attendees will learn about some of the major innovations in AI that are impacting their functions, and the discussion will examine the opportunities and risks AI presents. Featuring a discussion between experienced leaders in AI, including the foremost expert at Colgate-Palmolive, the CEO of B2B payment security platform Trustmi, and the founder and managing partner of consulting firm Strategic Treasurer, the session will offer attendees a deeper understanding of AI tools they can leverage in their day-to-day to protect their B2B payment workflows and avoid future cyberattacks.

Webinar: Unveiling the Future: Applying AI in Treasury Management | May 22

Webinar: Unveiling the Future: Applying AI in Treasury Management | May 22

Few technologies have generated as much excitement – and confusion – among treasurers as artificial intelligence (AI). This webinar will cut through the noise and reveal the groundbreaking results of a recent survey on current trends and future projections regarding the integration of AI and generative AI in treasury. Our speakers will explore the prevailing challenges faced by treasurers, how AI transforms traditional treasury processes, and how treasurers plan to leverage AI technologies to address evolving challenges and drive innovation in treasury management.