COVID-19: Part 3, The Human Element

COVID-19: Part 3, The Human Element

We’ve discussed various ways the COVID-19 crisis could impact our technology, operations, and security concerns – but what about our people? Many of the staff now working from home have never done so before. Most were unprepared for their home to become their full-time office, and each employee has a unique situation with varying concerns and impediments.

COVID-19: Part 3, The Human Element

COVID-19: Part 2, Challenges of Continuing Remote Work

In our previous post on the coronavirus remote work era, we discussed some technical and security factors that treasury needs to make sure they have covered as they send workers home. In this second post, we’ll talk about the challenges of continuing remote work, focusing on three areas: 1) backup plans, 2) extending the business continuity plan, and 3) capturing the gaps.