#286 – How to Be a Successful Treasurer in 2024 – 2024 Outlook Series with Lee-Ann Perkins

#286 – How to Be a Successful Treasurer in 2024 – 2024 Outlook Series with Lee-Ann Perkins

In today’s episode of the 2024 Outlook Series, host Craig Jeffery is joined by Lee-Ann Perkins to discuss key items for treasurers to improve in the year ahead. Lee-Ann shares her perspective on the economic landscape, the evolving workforce, and banks’ changing agendas. Topics covered range from fraud prevention to ESG, digital currency, and AI/ML.

The 2024 Outlook Series features interviews with treasury experts about their expectations, projections, and insights for the year ahead.

#285 – 2023 Treasury Year in Review – Setting the Stage for the 2024 Outlook Series

#285 – 2023 Treasury Year in Review – Setting the Stage for the 2024 Outlook Series

We are excited to bring you our sixth annual Outlook Series on the Treasury Update Podcast. In this series, we bring you interviews with treasury experts about their expectations, projections, and insights for the year ahead. Today, we’ll hear from Craig Jeffery, Managing Partner of Strategic Treasurer, as he sets the stage by retrospectively examining the key trends and challenges encountered by treasury departments in 2023.

Webinar: Short-Term Investing Part 2: Fed Meeting Analysis and 2024 Outlook | February 1

Webinar: Short-Term Investing Part 2: Fed Meeting Analysis and 2024 Outlook | February 1

In this webinar in the Short-Term Investing Series, Federated Hermes and Strategic Treasurer will discuss the Federal Reserve’s recent actions and the implications this has on short-term investing. After holding rates steady again in December, and with the Fed now telegraphing an expectation of moving to three rate decreases in 2024, it is important to act wisely. Join the dialogue the day after the Fed’s January policy meeting to hear key factors that can be used to calibrate actions and decisions for investors in pursuing attractive returns in this environment.

100: Options for Alternative Debt Funding

100: Options for Alternative Debt Funding

In today’s Treasury Update Podcast episode, Paul Galloway continues the mini-series on debt funding by sharing insights on three alternative debt funding options: mezzanine debt, convertible debt, and perpetual debt. He shares a basic understanding of their unique functionalities, as well as the strategic reasons treasurers might opt for these alternatives. Tune in for a concise breakdown of what alternative debt funding options look like.

Webinar: AR’s Role in Meeting Treasury Goals | January 25

Webinar: AR’s Role in Meeting Treasury Goals | January 25

Treasury has a heavy focus on ensuring the organization has adequate liquidity. Accounts receivable (AR) plays a vital role in ensuring cash is collected quickly and consistently. The abilities of the order-to-collect team to 1) make better credit management decisions, 2) speed up collection activities, and 3) process payments more accurately and efficiently drive better results for both AR and treasury. This webinar discusses how the AR function can and must help deliver on the overall financial commitments that are needed to reach the working capital and liquidity targets of the organization.