Webinar: Technology Developments & Disruptions: Separating Opportunity from Hype

Webinar: Technology Developments & Disruptions: Separating Opportunity from Hype

Organizations and finance staff must improve consistently in order to stay competitive, and competitiveness almost always requiring leveraging technology. In this panel discussion, the conversation focuses on the most promising technologies that are in play now and are seeing increasing adoption in finance. How should organizations move forward with technology (staying current, learning, piloting, expanding), and how should a finance professional respond personally to the opportunity and risk of disruptive technology? Which technologies will eat another’s lunch? What is driving the focus on forecasting? What is actually current in data analytics?

Webinar: Measuring the Recovery

Webinar: Measuring the Recovery

In response to the COVID-19 global pandemic, the Treasury Coalition formed to assist treasury and finance professionals in examining the impact the industry. Through weekly, biweekly, monthly, and now bi-monthly surveys, data has been collected, analyzed, and distributed for the good of the industry. Specifically, the survey looked to gather concerns, response plans, and monitor economic preparations and impact changes throughout the pandemic life cycle. This webinar will review the results to date, dive into cross cuts of the data, and discuss what organizations can do as we recover.

#129 – 2020 AFP Technology Panel Discussion

#129 – 2020 AFP Technology Panel Discussion

On this special episode on technology from the 2020 AFP Virtual Conference. Moderator Tom Gregory of TD Bank interviews Todd Yoder of Fluor Corporation, James Lock of J.P. Morgan Chase, Dr. Wolfgang Kalthoff of Coupa, and Craig Jeffery of Strategic Treasurer on the value of new technology and its potential future place in treasury management.

#128 – 2020 Treasury in Review

#128 – 2020 Treasury in Review

Craig Jeffery, Managing Partner of Strategic Treasurer, give us the 2020 year in review. As the new year approaches, he discusses the implications of activities to combat the virus that wreaked havoc earlier in the year for most areas of the economy and cover some elements of recovery while looking ahead to 2021.