Webinar: Payment Security: Assessing and Responding to an Escalating Threat

Webinar: Payment Security: Assessing and Responding to an Escalating Threat

Overseeing payment security is part of treasury’s risk management function, but it can be a confusing role. What exactly is treasury’s responsibility, and what falls to other departments? This webinar will compare treasury’s role to that of a superintendent and will cover the various elements of creating and maintaining a strong defense against fraud from a treasury perspective.

#122 – When the Going Gets Tough, Relationships Matter

#122 – When the Going Gets Tough, Relationships Matter

Host Craig Jeffery speaks with Dr. Kathy King-Griswold, Associate Treasurer and Director of Treasury Operations & Compliance at the University of Rochester, on her personal journey navigating treasury challenges and opportunities amid the COVID-19 crisis. They explore the importance of relationships during disruptive events, the management of capital when income sources are severely impacted, challenges around remote work and technology, and more.

25: What Is Global Expansion?

25: What Is Global Expansion?

Host Alexa Cook catches up with Stephanie Villatoro, Senior Consultant at Strategic Treasurer, to discuss what global expansion is and the implications it has for treasury. They discuss some considerations for treasury to keep in mind when expanding globally and cover relevant differences between countries.