16: What is Debt Compliance?
Coffee Break Session Host Alexa Cook meets up with Senior Consultant Melody Hart of Strategic Treasurer Senior Consultant to discuss the foundational elements of debt compliance.
Coffee Break Session Host Alexa Cook meets up with Senior Consultant Melody Hart of Strategic Treasurer Senior Consultant to discuss the foundational elements of debt compliance.
Coffee Break Session Host, Alexa Cook, catches up with Craig Jeffery to discuss what treasury executives need to know about blobs. They also talk through the differences between a blob and other forms of data storage.
Coffee Break Session Host Alexa Cook catches up with Senior Consultant Melody Hart to discuss a high-level overview of debt instruments. They define debt instruments, its counter parties and different considerations for debt.
What is a business continuity plan? Coffee Break Session Host Alexa Cook joins Senior Consultant Melody Hart to cover this topic in a bite-size conversation. They define what it is and why it’s important to have them in a number of scenarios.
Coffee Break Session Host Alexa Cook joins a Zoom meeting with Strategic Treasurer’s Managing Partner Craig Jeffery to discuss data lakes. They provide an overview of data lakes and describe its different uses.