#216 – The Strategic Treasurer Series: Mastering the Strategic Role (Part 2)

#216 – The Strategic Treasurer Series: Mastering the Strategic Role (Part 2)

In this second episode of our Treasury Roles and Developments series, we will discuss how strategic and operational roles differ. While it may be more practical to have staff members dedicated strictly to one or the other of these roles, many firms with smaller treasury departments need flexible employees who can transition between the two whenever needed. Paul Galloway and Craig Jeffery, of Strategic Treasurer, both weigh in on their previous experiences jumping between the two types of roles throughout the day.

#215 – Adding Value through Treasury Technology at UPS

#215 – Adding Value through Treasury Technology at UPS

Having a treasury function is necessary for any business of a certain size to manage money and financial risks, but it’s also important to turn that treasury function into a strategic asset for the business. Doing this requires accurate data and expertise. In this podcast, Craig Jeffery talks with Nicolas Garcia of UPS on a strategic view of treasury and technology. They look at having a proper mindset, developing a digital strategy, and applying the latest treasury technology to solve existing problems.

#214 – The Strategic Treasurer Series: Treasury Roles (Part 1)

#214 – The Strategic Treasurer Series: Treasury Roles (Part 1)

Treasury has many responsibilities. Some are highly operational and important, while others require a strategic outlook with a focus on relationship management and foresight. In this four-part series, we look at the strategic, operational, and hybrid roles of treasury. Listen in as Craig Jeffery and Paul Galloway of Strategic Treasurer kick off this new series.

#213 – CFO Dialogue on Assessing and Securing the Environment: A Series on Cyber Security (Mainetti & TD Bank)

#213 – CFO Dialogue on Assessing and Securing the Environment: A Series on Cyber Security (Mainetti & TD Bank)

There are two types of companies, those who have been attacked, and those who will be attacked. In this podcast, we look at a specific example of a fraud attack in the manufacturing sector. Joining Craig Jeffery on this podcast are Adrienne Terpak of TD Bank and Robert Dennerlein of Mainetti. They cover topics like assessing and understanding the threat, training, insurance, and assignment of roles.

#212 – Scenario and Sensitivity Analysis

#212 – Scenario and Sensitivity Analysis

Rising interest rates, geopolitical issues, inflation, and supply chain disruptions all play a major role in your decisions about acquisitions, product investments, and raising capital. Putting together a well-rounded analysis before making decisions may change how and when you approach each investment. In this podcast, Craig Jeffery and Paul Galloway of Strategic Treasurer discuss the differences between scenario and sensitivity analysis.