Webinar: Top 5 Actions to Improve Cash Application and Forecasting | December 8

Webinar: Top 5 Actions to Improve Cash Application and Forecasting | December 8

‘No man is an island,’ said John Donne. Cash application and cash forecasting are also connected in important ways. This session will cover five of the top actions companies should take to improve their cash application process and rates and tighten up their forecasting activities and accuracy. Slow cash application and low auto-assign and auto-apply rates negatively impact efficiency standards and month-end working capital metrics. They also impede accurate cash forecasting. Both efficiency in cash application and prioritization of cash forecasting have been top goals of AR groups and treasury teams for over five years. Listen in for some key steps that you can take to up your financial game in these areas.

Webinar: Principles and Options for Bank Fee Management | November 17

Webinar: Principles and Options for Bank Fee Management | November 17

Managing bank fees through active monitoring of your analysis statements is typically on the to-do list but it rarely gets checked off as complete. Perhaps you are putting out a myriad of fires and the idea of getting out a magnifying glass to manually dig into your bank invoices is less than appealing. Is that something your team should even be doing? In this session we will help you understand the practical, operational, and strategic elements of effectively managing bank relationships and handling the mundane and vital process of managing expenses. This session will include a brief case study covering a multi-national corporation’s review of global bank fees and strategic ongoing management of their bank relationships. Corporate practitioner takeaways will include: 1) ways to architect your bank fee management process and 2) benefits of bank fee analysis and benchmarking.

Webinar: Stages of Cash Forecasting: Improving the Process, Tightening Your Accuracy | November 8

Webinar: Stages of Cash Forecasting: Improving the Process, Tightening Your Accuracy | November 8

Forecasting cash flows has been one of the top two priorities for treasury groups for nearly 10 years. During disruptive times, it becomes even more important. Managements expects greater accuracy and more “scenarios,” yet many treasury groups are providing less than the admitted “minimum standards.” What can be done? What should be done? This session will outline the stages of cash forecasting and the foundational elements required to reach each stage – and the next level. Access to data and powerful new tools must be combined with a broader understanding of forecasting to optimize your forecasting process and accuracy.

Webinar: Building a 360-Degree Treasury: Payments and Bank Information | November 3

Webinar: Building a 360-Degree Treasury: Payments and Bank Information | November 3

Every treasury group needs to know where its cash is, wherever in the world that may be. That includes all locations, not just primary banks. This is the first step in building an effective cash forecast. However, payment processes for many companies are highly fragmented, and it’s surprisingly rare for any organization to have the level of visibility it needs. Poor payment workflows, security, compliance, and sanctions make it all the more difficult. Join us on this webinar to learn how you can automate your payments processes and improve connectivity to reduce costs and provide the transparency you need for effective cash management.

Webinar: The Future of Supply Chain Finance | November 10

Webinar: The Future of Supply Chain Finance | November 10

Supply chain finance (SCF) can power a win-win for buyer and supplier, helping to strengthen and support vital supply chains while still protecting the buyer’s liquidity. While forms of SCF have existed for a long time, the landscape is changing as modern technologies intersect today’s needs. This webinar will dive deep into the future of SCF, covering areas such as the following:
-Volatility and interest rates
-Networks, AI, and other technologies impacting SCF
-Supplier relationships and participation
-Foundational elements for selecting an SCF provider
-SCF trends to expect in 2023