Webinar: Mapping the Way Forward: Foundational Data Assessment

Webinar: Mapping the Way Forward: Foundational Data Assessment

Developing and delivering competitive and profitable treasury solutions requires clear insight into both the needs of your customers and the market environment in which they work. Guesswork will not suffice. Data is necessary for optimal strategy, as well as execution.

Earlier this year, Strategic Treasurer presented a conceptual view of how data could and should function within organizations as a growth tool for solution providers. We also met with and heard from dozens of your peers on the top obstacles standing in the way of that ideal.

In this webinar, we’ll explore the landscape of possibility, the challenges faced, and a crucial first step in the journey towards advancing and equipping your business for competitive success in today’s complex marketplace. Whether you’re in product strategy or development, marketing or sales, this presentation will address information vital for your individual team as well as the organization at large.

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Corporate Lunch with GTreasury – AFP 2023

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Elire Treasury Experience 2023 Conference

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2023 Survey Reports

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Webinar: Securing Money and Data: Strengthening the Lines of Defense | September 22

Webinar: Securing Money and Data: Strengthening the Lines of Defense | September 22

Criminals are after your data and money. Constantly. They are increasingly more sophisticated and automated, and our response must be strengthened. This includes each area of exposure: technology, processes, structure, and people. Your firewall needs to be updated, but your human firewall(s) also need to be kept current. Security training for each payment professional on each payment process is a crucial part of your defense. This session will:

• Explore what is happening with fraud.
• Report on how your peers are viewing the threat level of fraud.
• Educate your team on fraud attack methods and new approaches.