Panel Discussion: 2024 Treasury Trends | December 12

Panel Discussion: 2024 Treasury Trends | December 12

2023 is coming to a close with notable upheaval. Significant wars continue in Europe and the Middle East; central banks have increased borrowing costs to the highest rate in well over a decade; inflation has pulled back from the peak but remains above targets; borrowing costs and access to capital have tightened; FX risks remain elevated; and many CFOs are exhibiting increased caution. Several questions come up as we consider the outlook for 2024:
• How will companies need to respond to this greater recognition of the risk level?
• Are companies going to leverage their balance sheet for liquidity and supporting their trading partners?
• How does technology fit into the picture as an enabler of overhead scalability and financial resiliency?
Join this fast-paced panel discussion about the volatility of the environment and how corporate treasurers expect to manage through these more turbulent times.

Webinar: 2023 Outlook for Treasury: Strategies for Success | January 17

Webinar: 2023 Outlook for Treasury: Strategies for Success | January 17

As we leave 2022 behind us, we find 2023 starting with both high volatility and increased expectations for managing risks. What does this vulnerability mean to treasurers? What types of outcomes should we expect across the domains of credit, FX price volatility, elevated inflation, and increasing interest rates?

As treasurers examine the environment and how to address it, this dialogue will look at strategies for managing FX volatility, ways companies are thinking about data and artificial intelligence/machine learning, faster and real-time treasury (hype vs. the reality of everything moving faster), and the annual challenge of forecasting liquidity. Join Bob Stark, Kyriba, and Craig Jeffery, Strategic Treasurer, as they share their thoughts and draw out distinctions, useful frameworks for thinking, and practical approaches to help your organization succeed in 2023 and beyond.

Webinar: Managing Volatility: Rewriting Treasury’s Playbook | September 29

Webinar: Managing Volatility: Rewriting Treasury’s Playbook | September 29

As market volatility and economic uncertainty continue, corporate treasurers are forced to write a new playbook for 2022 and beyond. Strong currency headwinds, continued interest rate increases, unabating inflation, a highly mobile labor market, and the threat of supply chain disruptions are driving an unprecedented set of risk scenarios for treasury teams to manage.
This webinar will tackle how treasury can design leading practices to reduce the vulnerability to market volatility and implement a playbook to drive more efficient borrowing, more effective hedging, and more confident forecasting, pulling new levers to optimize liquidity within a real-time environment.

#201 – Understanding Plans, Pains, and Spend: Non-Banking Financial Institutions

#201 – Understanding Plans, Pains, and Spend: Non-Banking Financial Institutions

Seeking to understand the priorities, plans, and activities that financial institutions are focused on? On today’s podcast, host Craig Jeffery is joined by Steve Bullock, Vice President of Insurance and Financial Services at Kyriba, to discuss results from the 2022 Non-Banking Financial Institutions (NBFI) Survey. Topics of discussion center around technology, plans to spend, pain points, and more.