#211 – Synthetic Identities and a CISO View: A Series on Cyber Security (TD Bank & Exabeam)

#211 – Synthetic Identities and a CISO View: A Series on Cyber Security (TD Bank & Exabeam)

A few years ago, most of our business was done in person, and your personal identity was showing up with your face and signature. As we move to a remote, digital work environment, creating Synthetic Identities is becoming easier and more common. In this podcast, Craig Jeffery of Strategic Treasurer talks with Jonathan Doskocil of TD Bank and Tyler Farrar of Exabeam on the importance of identity verification, education, and detecting compromised credentials.

Webinar: AR Leading Practices (Part 1): Faster Payments and Changing Controls | July 19

Webinar: AR Leading Practices (Part 1): Faster Payments and Changing Controls | July 19

Reflective of their name, faster payments are also creating rapid changes both in the payments arena and in the surrounding control requirements. While AR professionals are, as a whole, excited about the opportunities faster payments present, many also recognize some challenges and concerns, raising several questions: What are the different challenges these innovations pose? How will those challenges progress or shift over time? What changes are occurring with control requirements? And finally, given all of that, how can treasury and AR work together to optimize working capital and their overall processes and results in this new environment? This webinar will seek to answer these key questions, shedding light on both what is changing and how AR and treasury can move forward.
CPE credits:
1. Consider the different challenges posed by innovations in faster payments and how those challenges progress or shift over time.
2. Gain understanding on the changes occurring with control requirements.
3. Learn how treasury and AR can work together to optimize working capital and their overall processes and results in this new environment.
Field: Accounting – Technical

#196 – Understanding Cyber Attacks and Strengthening Defenses: A Series on Cyber Security (TD Bank)

#196 – Understanding Cyber Attacks and Strengthening Defenses: A Series on Cyber Security (TD Bank)

In this episode, host Craig Jeffery sits down with Jo K Jagadish of TD Bank to kick off this new series of conversations. This series will cover topics such as MITM, ransomware, and spoofing attacks and will review specific defenses and the mindset required to maintain commercially reasonable controls and leading practices and to maintain the human firewall.

Webinar: Powering Efficient, Effective Forecasting Through ML and APIs

Webinar: Powering Efficient, Effective Forecasting Through ML and APIs

As a task that is both vital and challenging for treasury, cash forecasting is an area where leveraging effective tools can make a massive difference. Forecasting using spreadsheets consumes more time than most treasury departments can afford, and human errors and inaccuracy can often still plague the final results. This webinar will discuss how machine learning (ML) and application programming interfaces (APIs) can power more efficient and effective forecasting. Details covered will include pattern detection and analysis through ML, APIs and aggregation, and automation and updating, as well as discussing technological expansions into scenario planning and auto-tagging.