Webinar: Liquidity Management: Multiple Cross-Currents, Multiple Levers | October 18

Webinar: Liquidity Management: Multiple Cross-Currents, Multiple Levers | October 18

The current macro-economic situation now has multiple cross-currents and several strong headwinds from inflation rates to supply chain challenges. Treasurers are finding that they have to pull multiple levers to steer their financial ships properly in this rising storm. This session will look at the changing environment and examine how traditional and new levers can help companies navigate these choppy waters skillfully. Topics covered will include supply chain finance and other AP levers such as Pay Later, credit-as-a-service (CaaS) for AR, forecasting properly in calm vs. stormy environments, and more.

Webinar: AR Leading Practices (Part 2): Identifying and Addressing Working Capital Needs | October 13

Webinar: AR Leading Practices (Part 2): Identifying and Addressing Working Capital Needs | October 13

Managing working capital well is vital, but it isn’t always simple. As working capital needs shift in response to the environment, accounts receivable (AR) and treasury must work to identify the current needs and find ways to address them. This session will cover how to determine what is necessary for working capital in light of today’s various chaotic factors and will discuss leading practices and key changes to processes or technology that can improve working capital and efficiently address its current challenges.

70: What Is Fund Investing?

70: What Is Fund Investing?

What is fund investing? Coffee Break Session Host Jason Campbell catches up with Strategic Treasurer’s Senior Advisor Paul Galloway to talk about fund investing. They discuss the various types of funds someone can invest in, the differences between those types, who uses the funds, and the risk considerations.

#219 – The Strategic Treasurer Series: Mastering the Operational Role (Part 3)

#219 – The Strategic Treasurer Series: Mastering the Operational Role (Part 3)

Our previous episode on treasury roles covered the differences between the strategic and operational roles. Today, we will continue the discussion by looking at mastering the operations side. Your daily operational responsibilities are the financial backbone of your business. Craig Jeffery and Paul Galloway discuss the most common operational roles and activities, what mindset to have to succeed in these roles, and what you need to know to maintain efficiency.

#218 – Moonshot Technologies and Their Impact on Treasury (Ferguson plc & Bank of America)

#218 – Moonshot Technologies and Their Impact on Treasury (Ferguson plc & Bank of America)

New technologies are always showing up, but you need to keep an eye out for what are called “moonshots.” These radical innovations bring major changes to the way companies do business. In this episode, Craig Jeffery talks with Royston Da Costa of Ferguson plc and Tiffany Wan of Bank of America on how moonshot technologies will impact your role in treasury. Set yourself apart in your field by staying aware and informed on any revolutionary innovations.