Making the Move eBook – ION Treasury

Making the Move eBook – ION Treasury

As technology continues to democratize, many firms currently using Excel may discover that, for the first time, they now have a better option than to limp along with inefficient, error-prone manual processes. This eBook walks firms through the new calculus of deciding when it’s time to make the switch from Excel to a TMS and offers guidance on preparing for the transition and gathering support when the time comes.

Webinar: Making the Move

Webinar: Making the Move

Join Craig Jeffery of Strategic Treasurer and Stacey Lloyd-Jones of ION Treasury for a webinar on how to make your case to transition to a TMS.

TMS Toolkit – Technology Stack: Digital Backbone – GTreasury

TMS Toolkit – Technology Stack: Digital Backbone – GTreasury

This eBook, the second in its series, shifts our attention to the crucial place a TMS can occupy in a treasury department, serving as a part or whole of a digital backbone in the technology stack. This understanding will also prove helpful in addressing the material of the third and fourth eBooks, which will relate to TMS selection (3rd eBook) and implementation (4th eBook).

TMS Toolkit Series

Your organization is past due for a treasury management system overhaul, but one question remains: are you prepared to take on a technology remodel that affects company operations and global commerce everyday? Before tackling this critical business renovation, be sure the tools you need are at your fingertips.