by | Mar 11, 2020 | Blogs
Much as we all wish they would, cyber criminals are not sitting on their hands. While these groups and individuals are anything but admirable, we could stand to learn a few things from them in terms of creative innovation, adaptability, persistence, and patient commitment to goals. Our posture, while defensive, must be no less active and intentional than theirs, or we will inevitably fall behind and leave our organizations open to attack.
by Elizabeth Jeffery | Mar 5, 2020 | Coffee Break Sessions, Podcast
Coffee Break Session Host Alexa Cook sits down with Strategic Treasurer’s Managing Partner Craig Jeffery to discuss the different aspects of float.
by Claire Cotner | Mar 4, 2020 | Blogs
This new year, Strategic Treasurer is challenging everyone – itself as well as others – to “go strategic,” but the phrase is more than a clever play on the company name. So, what do we mean by it?
by Elizabeth Jeffery | Feb 25, 2020 | eBooks
This eBook, the second in its series, shifts our attention to the crucial place a TMS can occupy in a treasury department, serving as a part or whole of a digital backbone in the technology stack. This understanding will also prove helpful in addressing the material of the third and fourth eBooks, which will relate to TMS selection (3rd eBook) and implementation (4th eBook).
by Elizabeth Jeffery | Feb 20, 2020 | Coffee Break Sessions, Podcast
Coffee Break Session Host Alexa Cook sits down with Melody Hart, Senior Consultant at Strategic Treasurer, to discuss FBAR on a high level.