Webinar: Building a 360-Degree Treasury: Payments and Bank Information | November 3

Webinar: Building a 360-Degree Treasury: Payments and Bank Information | November 3

Every treasury group needs to know where its cash is, wherever in the world that may be. That includes all locations, not just primary banks. This is the first step in building an effective cash forecast. However, payment processes for many companies are highly fragmented, and it’s surprisingly rare for any organization to have the level of visibility it needs. Poor payment workflows, security, compliance, and sanctions make it all the more difficult. Join us on this webinar to learn how you can automate your payments processes and improve connectivity to reduce costs and provide the transparency you need for effective cash management.

Webinar: The Future of Supply Chain Finance | November 10

Webinar: The Future of Supply Chain Finance | November 10

Supply chain finance (SCF) can power a win-win for buyer and supplier, helping to strengthen and support vital supply chains while still protecting the buyer’s liquidity. While forms of SCF have existed for a long time, the landscape is changing as modern technologies intersect today’s needs. This webinar will dive deep into the future of SCF, covering areas such as the following:
-Volatility and interest rates
-Networks, AI, and other technologies impacting SCF
-Supplier relationships and participation
-Foundational elements for selecting an SCF provider
-SCF trends to expect in 2023

Webinar: 2022 Virtual Card Solutions Survey Results | October 11

Webinar: 2022 Virtual Card Solutions Survey Results | October 11

Virtual cards (sometimes called “vcards”) are a payment option offering decreased fraud risk and increased speed. The 2022 Virtual Card Solutions Survey, run by Strategic Treasurer and underwritten by Mastercard, investigated the adoption rates, corporate and bank perspectives, challenges, and advantages of virtual card programs. This webinar will discuss the results, covering topics such as the payment delays and the desire for security that drive virtual card adoption, the challenges of supplier adoption and attrition for virtual card programs, the expectations and experiences of various organizations on the topic, and more.

Webinar: Liquidity Management: Multiple Cross-Currents, Multiple Levers | October 18

Webinar: Liquidity Management: Multiple Cross-Currents, Multiple Levers | October 18

The current macro-economic situation now has multiple cross-currents and several strong headwinds from inflation rates to supply chain challenges. Treasurers are finding that they have to pull multiple levers to steer their financial ships properly in this rising storm. This session will look at the changing environment and examine how traditional and new levers can help companies navigate these choppy waters skillfully. Topics covered will include supply chain finance and other AP levers such as Pay Later, credit-as-a-service (CaaS) for AR, forecasting properly in calm vs. stormy environments, and more.

Webinar: AR Leading Practices (Part 2): Identifying and Addressing Working Capital Needs | October 13

Webinar: AR Leading Practices (Part 2): Identifying and Addressing Working Capital Needs | October 13

Managing working capital well is vital, but it isn’t always simple. As working capital needs shift in response to the environment, accounts receivable (AR) and treasury must work to identify the current needs and find ways to address them. This session will cover how to determine what is necessary for working capital in light of today’s various chaotic factors and will discuss leading practices and key changes to processes or technology that can improve working capital and efficiently address its current challenges.